! Number of unit cell replications, increase this to create a large polymer. @SET NREPX 1 @SET NREPY 1 &GLOBAL PROJECT 2d_polymer RUN_TYPE ENERGY &END GLOBAL &FORCE_EVAL &DFT ! linear scaling SCF &LS_SCF ! TRS4, does not need an estimate for the chemical potential PURIFICATION_METHOD TRS4 ! threshold used to determine sparsity and thus speed and accuracy EPS_FILTER 1E-5 ! convergence for the SCF EPS_SCF 1E-5 ! chemical potential, an energy from within in the HOMO-LUMO gap MU -0.15 S_PRECONDITIONER ATOMIC &END ! traditional SCF, diagonalization by default &SCF &END &QS LS_SCF ! Turns on linear scaling DFT. Comment this line to run with standard SCF. ! ============================================================================================= ! === Description of Hamiltonian (Density Functional Tight Binding + Smooth Particle Meshed Ewald) === METHOD DFTB &DFTB HB_SR_GAMMA SELF_CONSISTENT T DO_EWALD T DISPERSION T &PARAMETER PARAM_FILE_PATH ./DFTB/scc PARAM_FILE_NAME scc_parameter UFF_FORCE_FIELD uff_table &END PARAMETER &END DFTB &END QS &POISSON &EWALD EWALD_TYPE SPME ! scale the number of points with the system size, roughly 1pt/A. GMAX 40*${NREPX} 40*${NREPY} 40 O_SPLINE 5 &END EWALD &END POISSON ! ==============================End of Hamiltonian Description ================================ ! ============================================================================================= &END DFT &SUBSYS &CELL ! a 2D system, z-direction is non-periodic ABC 23.577999 40.8383 30 MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL ${NREPX} ${NREPY} 1 &END CELL &TOPOLOGY MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL ${NREPX} ${NREPY} 1 &END &COORD @INCLUDE '2d_polymer.coord' &END COORD &END SUBSYS &END FORCE_EVAL