&GLOBAL ! the project name is made part of most output files... useful to keep order PROJECT WATER ! various runtypes (energy, geo_opt, etc.) available. RUN_TYPE MD ! limit the runs to 5min WALLTIME 1800 ! reduce the amount of IO IOLEVEL LOW &END GLOBAL &FORCE_EVAL ! the electronic structure part of CP2K is named Quickstep METHOD Quickstep &DFT ! basis sets and pseudopotential files can be found in cp2k/data BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME HFX_BASIS POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME GTH_POTENTIALS ! Charge and multiplicity CHARGE 0 MULTIPLICITY 1 &MGRID ! PW cutoff ... depends on the element (basis) too small cutoffs lead to the eggbox effect. ! certain calculations (e.g. geometry optimization, vibrational frequencies, ! NPT and cell optimizations, need higher cutoffs) CUTOFF [Ry] 400 &END &QS ! use the GPW method (i.e. pseudopotential based calculations with the Gaussian and Plane Waves scheme). METHOD GPW ! default threshold for numerics ~ roughly numerical accuracy of the total energy per electron, ! sets reasonable values for all other thresholds. EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-10 ! used for MD, the method used to generate the initial guess. EXTRAPOLATION ASPC &END &POISSON PERIODIC XYZ ! the default, gas phase systems should have 'NONE' and a wavelet solver &END &PRINT ! at the end of the SCF procedure generate cube files of the density &E_DENSITY_CUBE OFF &END E_DENSITY_CUBE ! compute eigenvalues and homo-lumo gap each 10nd MD step &MO_CUBES NLUMO 4 NHOMO 4 WRITE_CUBE .FALSE. &EACH MD 10 &END &END &END ! use the OT METHOD for robust and efficient SCF, suitable for all non-metallic systems. &SCF SCF_GUESS ATOMIC ! can be used to RESTART an interrupted calculation MAX_SCF 30 EPS_SCF 1.0E-6 ! accuracy of the SCF procedure typically 1.0E-6 - 1.0E-7 &OT ! an accurate preconditioner suitable also for larger systems PRECONDITIONER FULL_SINGLE_INVERSE ! the most robust choice (DIIS might sometimes be faster, but not as stable). MINIMIZER DIIS &END OT &OUTER_SCF ! repeat the inner SCF cycle 10 times MAX_SCF 10 EPS_SCF 1.0E-6 ! must match the above &END ! do not store the wfn during MD &PRINT &RESTART OFF &END &END &END SCF ! specify the exchange and correlation treatment &XC ! use a PBE functional &XC_FUNCTIONAL &PBE &END &END XC_FUNCTIONAL ! adding Grimme's D3 correction (by default without C9 terms) &VDW_POTENTIAL POTENTIAL_TYPE PAIR_POTENTIAL &PAIR_POTENTIAL PARAMETER_FILE_NAME dftd3.dat TYPE DFTD3 REFERENCE_FUNCTIONAL PBE R_CUTOFF [angstrom] 16 &END &END VDW_POTENTIAL &END XC &END DFT ! description of the system &SUBSYS &CELL ! unit cells that are orthorhombic are more efficient with CP2K ABC [angstrom] 12.42 12.42 12.42 &END CELL ! atom coordinates can be in the &COORD section, ! or provided as an external file. &TOPOLOGY COORD_FILE_NAME water.xyz COORD_FILE_FORMAT XYZ &END ! MOLOPT basis sets are fairly costly, ! but in the 'DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH' available for all elements ! their contracted nature makes them suitable ! for condensed and gas phase systems alike. &KIND H BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q1 &END KIND &KIND O BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q6 &END KIND &END SUBSYS &END FORCE_EVAL ! how to propagate the system, selection via RUN_TYPE in the &GLOBAL section &MOTION &GEO_OPT OPTIMIZER BFGS ! Good choice for 'small' systems (use LBFGS for large systems) MAX_ITER 100 MAX_DR [bohr] 0.003 ! adjust target as needed &BFGS &END &END &MD ENSEMBLE NVT ! sampling the canonical ensemble, accurate properties might need NVE TEMPERATURE [K] 300 TIMESTEP [fs] 0.5 STEPS 1000 # GLE thermostat as generated at http://epfl-cosmo.github.io/gle4md # GLE provides an effective NVT sampling. &THERMOSTAT REGION MASSIVE TYPE GLE &GLE NDIM 5 A_SCALE [ps^-1] 1.00 A_LIST 1.859575861256e+2 2.726385349840e-1 1.152610045461e+1 -3.641457826260e+1 2.317337581602e+2 A_LIST -2.780952471206e-1 8.595159180871e-5 7.218904801765e-1 -1.984453934386e-1 4.240925758342e-1 A_LIST -1.482580813121e+1 -7.218904801765e-1 1.359090212128e+0 5.149889628035e+0 -9.994926845099e+0 A_LIST -1.037218912688e+1 1.984453934386e-1 -5.149889628035e+0 2.666191089117e+1 1.150771549531e+1 A_LIST 2.180134636042e+2 -4.240925758342e-1 9.994926845099e+0 -1.150771549531e+1 3.095839456559e+2 &END GLE &END THERMOSTAT &END &PRINT &TRAJECTORY &EACH MD 1 &END EACH &END TRAJECTORY &VELOCITIES OFF &END VELOCITIES &FORCES OFF &END FORCES &RESTART_HISTORY &EACH MD 500 &END EACH &END RESTART_HISTORY &RESTART BACKUP_COPIES 3 &EACH MD 1 &END EACH &END RESTART &END PRINT &END &EXT_RESTART RESTART_FILE_NAME WATER-1.restart &END