@SET METHOD = QMMM # FIST all classical treatment # QS all quantum treatment &GLOBAL FLUSH_SHOULD_FLUSH PRINT_LEVEL LOW PROJECT KCl RUN_TYPE GEO_OPT &END GLOBAL &FORCE_EVAL METHOD $METHOD @include QS.inc @include MM.inc &QMMM #this defines the QS cell in the QMMM calc &CELL ABC 12.6 15.0 12.6 PERIODIC XZ &END CELL ECOUPL GAUSS # use GEEP method NOCOMPATIBILITY USE_GEEP_LIB 6 # use GEEP method &PERIODIC # apply periodic potential #in this case QM box = MM box in XZ so turn #off coupling/recoupling of the QM multipole &MULTIPOLE OFF &END &END PERIODIC #these are just the ionic radii of K Cl #but should be treated as parameters in general #fit to some physical property &MM_KIND K RADIUS 1.52 &END MM_KIND &MM_KIND Cl RADIUS 1.67 &END MM_KIND #define the model &QM_KIND K MM_INDEX 25..32 41..48 &END QM_KIND &MM_KIND Cl RADIUS 1.67 &END MM_KIND #define the model &QM_KIND K MM_INDEX 25..32 41..48 &END QM_KIND &QM_KIND Cl MM_INDEX 17..24 33..40 &END QM_KIND &END QMMM &SUBSYS #this defines the cell of the whole system #must be orthorhombic, I think &CELL ABC 12.6 100.0 12.6 &END CELL &TOPOLOGY COORD_FILE_NAME kcl.xyz COORD_FILE_FORMAT XYZ &GENERATE &ISOLATED_ATOMS #ignores bonds dihedrals etc in classical part LIST 1..48 &END &END &END &KIND K ELEMENT K BASIS_SET DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q9 &END KIND &KIND Cl BASIS_SET DZVP-MOLOPT-GTH POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q7 &END &END SUBSYS &END FORCE_EVAL #should be able to use most motion sections #analytic stress tensor not available, I think @include motion.inc