&FORCE_EVAL METHOD QS &DFT ! the EMSL basis set file contains all electron basis sets BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME EMSL_BASIS_SETS POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME POTENTIAL ! spin polarization required for the XAS calculation LSD &MGRID NGRIDS 5 CUTOFF 400 REL_CUTOFF 60 &END MGRID &QS ! Task: insert METHOD keyword to use gaussian and augmented plane wave method !METHOD GAPW EXTRAPOLATION ASPC EXTRAPOLATION_ORDER 3 MAP_CONSISTENT EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-10 ! algorithm to construct the atomic radial grid for GAPW QUADRATURE GC_LOG ! parameters needed for the GAPW method, look at the manual for more details EPSFIT 1.E-4 ! precision to give the extension of a hard gaussian EPSISO 1.0E-12 EPSRHO0 1.E-8 LMAXN0 4 LMAXN1 6 ALPHA0_H 10 ! Exponent for hard compensation charge &END QS &SCF MAX_SCF 20 EPS_SCF 1.0E-5 SCF_GUESS RESTART &MIXING METHOD BROYDEN_MIXING ALPHA 0.5 &END MIXING &OUTER_SCF EPS_SCF 1.0E-5 MAX_SCF 50 &END OUTER_SCF &END SCF &XC &XC_FUNCTIONAL &PBE &END PBE &END XC_FUNCTIONAL &XC_GRID XC_SMOOTH_RHO NN50 XC_DERIV NN50_SMOOTH &END XC_GRID &VDW_POTENTIAL POTENTIAL_TYPE PAIR_POTENTIAL &PAIR_POTENTIAL PARAMETER_FILE_NAME dftd3.dat TYPE DFTD3 REFERENCE_FUNCTIONAL PBE R_CUTOFF [angstrom] 16 &END &END VDW_POTENTIAL &END XC &XAS RESTART F ! Task: specify below the METHOD to use to compute the XAS spectra ! half-core hole and the full core-hole are possible methods, choose transition potential half hole ! METHOD TP_HH DIPOLE_FORM VELOCITY ! Task: include the STATE_TYPE keyword to specify the states to compute the spectra ! in NEXAFS experiments one looks at the excitation of the innermost-core shell ! STATE_TYPE 1s ! Task: include the ATOMS_LIST keyword for the calculation of XAS ! you can look at the list of atoms to include in the .xyz file for the snapshot ! In order to include atoms from X to Y use the syntax X..Y ! ATOMS_LIST 1..32 ! This keyword indicates the number of virtual KS orbitals ! to compute the XAS ADDED_MOS 60 ! Below we add another SCF section to perform the calculation of the XAS spectrum ! after having optimized the wave-function with GAPW &SCF EPS_SCF 1.0E-5 MAX_SCF 100 &MIXING METHOD BROYDEN_MIXING ALPHA 0.6 &END MIXING &OUTER_SCF EPS_SCF 1.0E-5 MAX_SCF 50 &END OUTER_SCF &END SCF &LOCALIZE &END &PRINT &PROGRAM_RUN_INFO &END &RESTART FILENAME ./water &EACH XAS_SCF 15 &END ADD_LAST NUMERIC &END &XAS_SPECTRUM FILENAME ./water &END &XES_SPECTRUM FILENAME ./water &END &END &END &END DFT &SUBSYS &TOPOLOGY COORD_FILE_NAME water.xyz COORDINATE XYZ &END TOPOLOGY &CELL ABC 9.8528 9.8528 9.8528 &END CELL ! Task: specify the BASIS_SET and POTENTIAL for the gapw calculation ! for both O and H we want to use the all-electron 6-31G* basis set &KIND H ! BASIS_SET 6-31G* ! POTENTIAL ALL ! number of points for the angular part of the grid, needed for GAPW LEBEDEV_GRID 80 ! number of points for the radial part of the grid, needed for GAPW RADIAL_GRID 200 &END KIND &KIND O ! BASIS_SET 6-31G* ! POTENTIAL ALL LEBEDEV_GRID 80 RADIAL_GRID 200 &END KIND &END SUBSYS &END FORCE_EVAL &GLOBAL PROJECT_NAME WATER_XAS RUN_TYPE ENERGY PRINT_LEVEL LOW FLUSH_SHOULD_FLUSH T &END GLOBAL