====== Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations ====== ^ Acronym ^ Meaning ^ | ADMM | Auxiliary Density Matrix Method | | ALMO | Absolutely Localized Molecular Orbitals | | AM1 | Austin Model 1 | | AMBER | Assisted Model Building and Energy Refinement | | ASE | Atomic Simulation Environment | | ASPC | Always Stable Predictor-Corrector | | BFGS | Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm | | BOMD | Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics | | BSSE | Basis Set Superposition Error | | CDFT | Constrained Density Functional Theory | | CDFT-CI | Constrained Density Functional Theory Configuration Interaction| | CG | Conjugated Gradients algorithm | | CHARMM | Chemistry at HARvard Molecular Mechanics | | COLVAR | COLlective VARiable | | CP | Car-Parrinello method | | CPMD | Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics | | CSVR | Canonical Sampling through Velocity Rescaling | | CUDA | Compute Unified Device Architecture | | DBCSR | Distributed Block Compressed Sparse Row library | | DDAPC | Density Derived Atomic Point Charges | | DFTB | Density Functional Tight Binding | | DFT | Density Functional Theory | | DFET | Density Functional Embedding Theory | | DIIS | Direct Inversion of the Iterative Subspace | | DOS | Density Of States | | EAM | Embedded-Atom Method | | EC | Energy Correction | | EIP | Empirical Interatomic Potential | | ELPA | Eigenvalue soLvers for Petascale Applications | | EMD | Ehrenfest Molecular Dynamics | | EPR | Electron Paramagnetic Resonance | | ERI | Electron Repulsion Integral | | FCC | Face-Centered Cubic crystal structure | | FIST | Frontiers In Simulation Technology (CP2K's force field implementation)| | FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array | | GAPW | Gaussian Augmented-Plane Waves method | | GEEP | Gaussian Expansion of the Electrostatic Potential | | GGA | Generalized Gradient Approximations | | GHO | Generalized Hybrid Orbital method | | GLE | Generalized Langevin Equation thermostat | | GPW | Gaussian Plane Wave method | | GROMOS | GROningen MOlecular Simulation | | GTH | Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotentials | | GTO | Gaussian Type Orbitals | | HF | Hartree Fock | | HFX | Hartree Fock eXchange | | HIP | Heterogeneous Interface for Portability | | IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | | IMOMM | Integrated Molecular Orbital Molecular Mechanics method | | KS | Kohn-Sham | | LCAO | Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals | | LDA | Local-Density Approximation | | LDOS | Local Density of States. | | LINRES | LINear RESponse | | LRIGPW | Local Resolution-of-Identity Projector Augmented Wave method | | LS | Linear Scaling | | LSD | Local Spin Density | | MAO | Modified Atomic Orbitals | | MC | Monte Carlo method | | MD | Molecular Dynamics | | MM | Molecular Mechanics | | MME | MiniMax-Ewald | | MNDO | Modified Neglect of Diatomic Overlap | | MO | Molecular Orbitals | | MOM | Maximum Overlap Method | | MP2 | Møller–Plesset perturbation theory to 2nd order | | MPI | Message Passing Interface | | MSST | Multi-Scale Shock Technique | | NDDO | Neglect of Diatomic Differential Overlap | | NEB | Nudged Elastic Band | | NEGF | Non-Equilibrium Green's Function | | NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | | NNP | Neural Network Potential | | NpE | Constant Number, Pressure, and Energy | | NVE | Constant Number, Volume, and Energy | | NVT | Constant Number, Volume, and Temperature | | OF | Orbital Free | | OpenCL | Open Computing Language | | OpenMP | Open Multi-Processing | | OT | Orbital Transformation method | | PAO | Polarized Atomic Orbital | | PAO-ML | Polarized Atomic Orbitals from Machine Learning | | PBC | [[periodicity|Periodic Boundary Conditions]] | | PBE | Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional | | PEXSI | Pole EXpansion and Selected Inversion method | | PIGLET | Path Integral Generalized Langevin Equation Thermostat | | PILE | Path Integral Langevin Equation thermostat | | PINT | Path INTegral | | PM3 | Parameterized Model number 3 | | PM6 | Parameterized Model number 6 | | POD | Projection-Operator Diabatization | | PP | Pseudo-Potential | | PW | Plane Waves | | QMMM | Quantum Mechanics / Molecular Mechanics | | QM | Quantum Mechanics | | QS | Quick Step (cp2k's quantum methods implementation) | | QUIP | QUantum mechanics and Interatomic Potentials library | | RESP | Restrained ElectroStatic Potential | | RESPA | REversible reference System Propagator Algorithm | | RI | Resolution of Identity | | RM1 | Recife Model 1 | | RMA | Remote Memory Access | | RMSD | Root-Mean-Square Deviation | | RPA | Random-Phase Approximation | | RPMD | Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics | | SCCS | Self-Consistent Continuum Solvation model | | SCF | Self Consistent Field algorithm | | SCPTB | Self-Consistent-Polarization Tight-Binding | | SE | Semi-Empirical methods | | SIC | Self Interaction Correction | | SOC | Spin-Orbit Couplings | | STM | Scanning Tunneling Microscope | | TDDFPT | Time Dependent Density Field Perturbation Theory | | TMC | Tree Monte Carlo algorithm | | TRS4 | TRace reSetting 4th order scheme | | UFF | Universal Force Field | | XAS | X-ray Absorption Spectra | | XC | eXchange and Correlation functional | | xTB | eXtended Tight Binding | | ZMP | Zhao-Morrison-Parr potential |