===== Sensible SCF setups ===== http://www.cp2k.org {{ https://www.cp2k.org/lib/tpl/cp2kwiki/images/logo.png}} ===== SCF ===== The Kohn-Sham equations are non-linear. The potential changes as we optimise the Molecular Orbitals. In this exercise we will explore a few of the options available to get a fast and robust optimisation for most systems. ===== Traditional Diagonalisation (TD) ===== Here is a basic input for a periodic box of water including a SCF section suitable for TD: &FORCE_EVAL METHOD QS &DFT BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME GTH_BASIS_SETS BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME BASIS_MOLOPT POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME POTENTIAL &MGRID CUTOFF 300 &END MGRID &QS EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-12 &END QS &SCF SCF_GUESS ATOMIC # SCF_GUESS RESTART EPS_SCF 1.0E-5 &MIXING ALPHA 0.4 &END &END SCF &XC &XC_FUNCTIONAL Pade &END XC_FUNCTIONAL &END XC &END DFT &SUBSYS &CELL ABC 9.8528 9.8528 9.8528 &END CELL # 32 H2O (TIP5P,1bar,300K) a = 9.8528 &COORD O 2.280398 9.146539 5.088696 O 1.251703 2.406261 7.769908 O 1.596302 6.920128 0.656695 O 2.957518 3.771868 1.877387 O 0.228972 5.884026 6.532308 O 9.023431 6.119654 0.092451 O 7.256289 8.493641 5.772041 O 5.090422 9.467016 0.743177 O 6.330888 7.363471 3.747750 O 7.763819 8.349367 9.279457 O 8.280798 3.837153 5.799282 O 8.878250 2.025797 1.664102 O 9.160372 0.285100 6.871004 O 4.962043 4.134437 0.173376 O 2.802896 8.690383 2.435952 O 9.123223 3.549232 8.876721 O 1.453702 1.402538 2.358278 O 6.536550 1.146790 7.609732 O 2.766709 0.881503 9.544263 O 0.856426 2.075964 5.010625 O 6.386036 1.918950 0.242690 O 2.733023 4.452756 5.850203 O 4.600039 9.254314 6.575944 O 3.665373 6.210561 3.158420 O 3.371648 6.925594 7.476036 O 5.287920 3.270653 6.155080 O 5.225237 6.959594 9.582991 O 0.846293 5.595877 3.820630 O 9.785620 8.164617 3.657879 O 8.509982 4.430362 2.679946 O 1.337625 8.580920 8.272484 O 8.054437 9.221335 1.991376 H 1.762019 9.820429 5.528454 H 3.095987 9.107088 5.588186 H 0.554129 2.982634 8.082024 H 1.771257 2.954779 7.182181 H 2.112148 6.126321 0.798136 H 1.776389 7.463264 1.424030 H 3.754249 3.824017 1.349436 H 3.010580 4.524142 2.466878 H 0.939475 5.243834 6.571945 H 0.515723 6.520548 5.877445 H 9.852960 6.490366 0.393593 H 8.556008 6.860063 -0.294256 H 7.886607 7.941321 6.234506 H 7.793855 9.141028 5.315813 H 4.467366 9.971162 0.219851 H 5.758685 10.102795 0.998994 H 6.652693 7.917443 3.036562 H 6.711966 7.743594 4.539279 H 7.751955 8.745180 10.150905 H 7.829208 9.092212 8.679343 H 8.312540 3.218330 6.528858 H 8.508855 4.680699 6.189990 H 9.742249 1.704975 1.922581 H 8.799060 2.876412 2.095861 H 9.505360 1.161677 6.701213 H 9.920117 -0.219794 7.161006 H 4.749903 4.186003 -0.758595 H 5.248010 5.018415 0.403676 H 3.576065 9.078451 2.026264 H 2.720238 9.146974 3.273164 H 9.085561 4.493058 9.031660 H 9.215391 3.166305 9.749133 H 1.999705 2.060411 1.927796 H 1.824184 0.564565 2.081195 H 7.430334 0.849764 7.438978 H 6.576029 1.537017 8.482885 H 2.415851 1.576460 8.987338 H 2.276957 0.099537 9.289499 H 1.160987 1.818023 4.140602 H 0.350256 2.874437 4.860741 H 5.768804 2.638450 0.375264 H 7.221823 2.257514 0.563730 H 3.260797 5.243390 5.962382 H 3.347848 3.732214 5.988196 H 5.328688 9.073059 5.982269 H 5.007063 9.672150 7.334875 H 4.566850 6.413356 3.408312 H 3.273115 7.061666 2.963521 H 3.878372 7.435003 6.843607 H 3.884673 6.966316 8.283117 H 5.918240 3.116802 5.451335 H 5.355924 2.495093 6.711958 H 5.071858 7.687254 10.185667 H 6.106394 7.112302 9.241707 H 1.637363 5.184910 4.169264 H 0.427645 4.908936 3.301903 H 9.971698 7.227076 3.709104 H 10.647901 8.579244 3.629806 H 8.046808 5.126383 2.213838 H 7.995317 4.290074 3.474723 H 1.872601 7.864672 7.930401 H 0.837635 8.186808 8.987268 H 8.314696 10.115534 2.212519 H 8.687134 8.667252 2.448452 &END COORD &KIND H BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH POTENTIAL GTH-PADE-q1 &END KIND &KIND O BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH POTENTIAL GTH-PADE-q6 &END KIND &END SUBSYS &END FORCE_EVAL &GLOBAL PROJECT H2O-32 RUN_TYPE MD PRINT_LEVEL MEDIUM &END GLOBAL **TASK** This uses a rather small BASIS_SET DVZP-GTH which is much too small for production runs. Repeat the calculation using BASIS_SET TZV2P-GTH BASIS_SET DZVP-MOLOPT-GTH BASIS_SET TZV2P-MOLOPT-GTH You should change the basis set for each atomic type (kind) in each case. ===== Orbital Transformation (OT) ===== We can see the effect of changing to the OT method by simply changing the SCF section. &SCF SCF_GUESS ATOMIC EPS_SCF 1.0E-06 MAX_SCF 20 &OT ON MINIMIZER DIIS PRECONDITIONER FULL_ALL ENERGY_GAP 0.001 &END OT &OUTER_SCF MAX_SCF 2 &END OUTER_SCF &END SCF **TASK** See how OT compares with TD for the different basis sets you ran previously. =====Other parameters===== There are other factors that influence the effectiveness of the setups. **TASK** Exchange correlation functional. We were using LDA (the particular parameterization is called PADE in CP2K). Try changing the functional to `PBE` (in the `XC` section) and see how this changes convergence. Also change the pseudopotential you are using in the KIND sections so it matches the functional. **TASK** System size affects the efficiency too. You can find larger water boxes in the ''${main directory of my cp2k installation}/tests/QS/benchmarks'' directory, or {{https://sourceforge.net/p/cp2k/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/cp2k/tests/QS/benchmark/|online}}. Change the CELL parameters and the coordinates of the atoms and see how the methods scale. You could also explore how the methods scale with number of processors used. **TASK** And of course, probably the most important 'parameter' is the system itself. Water is quite well behaved - largely meaning it is closed shell and has a large band gap. Try similar tests on a system you are interested in!