====== Exercises ====== The following exercises are part of the the course [[http://www.vvz.ethz.ch/Vorlesungsverzeichnis/lerneinheitPre.do?lerneinheitId=97794&semkez=2015S | Molecular and Materials Modelling]] held at ETH Zürich during the spring semester 2015. ===== Lecture 1 ===== - [[single_point_calculation|Single Point Energy Calculation]] - [[geometry_optimization|Geometry Optimization]] - [[nudged_elastic_band|Nudged Elastic Band]] ===== Lecture 2 ===== - [[c2h2_bond_energy|Bond Strength in a molecule]] - [[alanine_dipeptide|Alanine dipeptide: Ramachandran plot]] - [[alanine_modify|Alanine dipeptide: Modifying the parameters of the force field]] ===== Lecture 3 ===== - [[surface_Cu|surface energy of Cu(111), Cu(110), Cu(100) and Wulff plot]] - [[surface_Au|surface energy of Au(110): perfect and reconstructed and other faces]] ===== Lecture 4 ===== - [[MD_ala|Molecular dynamics of alanine dipeptide]] - [[MD_slab|Molecular dynamics of Au 100 slab]] ===== Lecture 5 (tentative) ===== - [[T_melting|Determination of melting temperature of copper from molecular dynamics]] ===== Lecture 6 (tentative) ===== - [[basis_sets|Basis Sets]] - [[reaction_energy|Reaction Energy]] - [[mo_ethene|Molecular orbitals of Ethene]] ===== Lecture 7 (tentative) ===== - [[dye_tio|Dye anchoring to TiO$_2$]] ===== Lecture 8 (tentative) ===== - [[hfx_h2ion|Hartree-Fock exchange for the dihydrogen cation]] - [[tio2_gap|TiO$_2$ Band Gap as a function of %hfx]] - [[benzene_dimer|Binding Energy of the Benzene Dimer]] ===== Lecture 9 (tentative) ===== - [[ls_scf| Linear scaling SCF]] - [[wannier | Maximally Localized Wannier Functions]] ===== Lecture 10 (tentative) ===== - [[infra_red | Infrared spectroscopy with MD ]] - [[simple_stm | Simple STM images ]] ===== Lecture 11 (tentative) ===== - [[UV | UV absorption spectroscopy of water ]] - [[bs | band structure and DOS of graphene ]] ===== Lecture 12 (tentative) ===== - [[monte_carlo_ice | Properties of Ice from Monte Carlo Simulations ]] ===== Lecture 13 (tentative) ===== - [[nacl_md | Observer NaCl dissociation in water ]] - [[nacl_free_energy | Free Energy Profile of NaCl Dissociation ]] ====== Euler Cheat Sheet ====== For more information have a look at the [[http://www.clusterwiki.ethz.ch/brutus/Getting_started_with_Euler | cluster-wiki]]. you@eulerX ~$ module load new cp2k vmd you@eulerX ~$ bsub -n 1 mpirun cp2k.popt -i energy.inp -o energy.out you@eulerX ~$ bjobs JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 2955028 you PEND beta.4h euler02 *nergy.out Feb 12 14:21 you@eulerX ~$ bkill 2955028 Job <2955028> is being terminated Connecting to Euler from a Windows machine: install * putty [[http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe]] * xming [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/files/latest/download]] * winscp [[http://winscp.net/download/winscp551setup.exe]]