====== Molecular Dynamics simulation of a small molecule====== TO USE THE FUNCTION LIBRARY (VERSION UP TO DATE) IN THE INTERACTIVE SHELL: you@eulerX ~$ module load courses mmm vmd you@eulerX ~$ mmm-init **REMEMBER: this is the command to load the module for the cp2k program:** you@eulerX ~$ module load new cp2k **and to submit the job:** you@eulerX ~$ bsub < jobname Download the 4.1 exercise into your $HOME folder and unzip it: you@eulerX ~$ wget http://www.cp2k.org/_media/exercises:2015_ethz_mmm:exercise_4.1.zip you@eulerX ~$ unzip exercises:2015_ethz_mmm:exercise_4.1.zip you@eulerX ~$ cd exercise_4.1 All files of this exercise (**all inputs are commented**) can be also downloaded from the wiki: {{exercise_4.1.zip|exercise_4.1.zip}} You will start from a configuration already computed in the second lecture (**inp.a.pdb**) which is included in the repository of this exercise as well. Update the following part of the file **inp.nve** for the first simulation: &MD ! This section defines the whole set of parameters needed perform an MD run. ???????? ??? ! Please specify the appropriete ensemble for you MD simulation ????? ?????? ! Please specify the number of MD steps to perform ???????? ???? ??? ! Please specify the length of an integration step ??????????? ????? ! Please specify the initial temperature &END MD To get more information, please visit **cp2k reference manual**, section **Molecular Dynamics**: http://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/CP2K_INPUT/MOTION/MD.html * Perform a constant energy simulation, 100000 time steps, with a time step of 1 fs. Use 100 K as an initial temperature! you@eulerX exercise_4.1$ bsub cp2k.popt -i inp.nve -o out.nve Assignments: - We are performing MD at a constant energy, but why we still have to define the temperature? * Make four copies of the previous input file (say inp.nve_0.1, inp.nve_2.0, inp.nve_3.0, inp.nve_4.0), in each input file modify the **time step** (use 0.1, 2, 3, 4 fs respectively) and the **name** of the project. * Perform the simulations with all these input files: you@eulerX exercise_4.1$ bsub cp2k.popt -i inp.nve_0.1 -o out.nve_0.1 you@eulerX exercise_4.1$ bsub cp2k.popt -i inp.nve_2.0 -o out.nve_2.0 you@eulerX exercise_4.1$ bsub cp2k.popt -i inp.nve_3.0 -o out.nve_3.0 you@eulerX exercise_4.1$ bsub cp2k.popt -i inp.nve_4.0 -o out.nve_4.0 * Have a look at the corresponding *.ener files (we suggest you to use gnuplot). Assignments - Do you see the energy conservation? Give comments on your observations. - Analyse the behavior of potential and kinetic energy, and the temperature. Hint (plotting with gnuplot). To plot the Kinetic energy: gnuplot> plot "nve_md-1.ener" u 1:3 w l t "Kinetic Energy" To plot the Potential energy: gnuplot> plot "nve_md-1.ener" u 1:5 w l t "Potential Energy" To plot the Temperature: gnuplot> plot "nve_md-1.ener" u 1:4 w l t "Temperature" Now you will perform a constant Temperature simulations, where the system is in contact with a thermostat, and the conserved quantity includes the thermostat degrees of freedom. Concerning temperature control, in these exercises we will use the NOSE-HOOVER chains method. This has been briefly described in the lecture, and is presented in [[doi>10.1063/1.463940|this paper]] by Glenn Martyna (1992). In cp2k input files you should again have a look at the following section: &MD ! This section defines the whole set of parameters needed perform an MD run. ???????? ??? ! Please specify the appropriete ensemble for you MD simulation ????? ?????? ! Please specify the number of MD steps to perform ???????? ??? ! Please specify the length of an integration step ??????????? ??? ! Please specify the temperature of the simulation &?????????? ! Please specify a thermostat section here &???? ! Please put here a section which specfies Nose-Hoover thermostat chain TIMECON 50 ! Timeconstant of the thermostat chain LENGTH 3 ! Length of the Nose-Hoover chain YOSHIDA 3 ! Order of the yoshida integretor used for the thermostat &??? &??? &END MD Edit the inp.100 file (Put there: NVT ensemble, 100000 steps of simulation, 100 K, Nose-Hoover thermostat and 1.0 fs of timestep). The first simulation is done at 100 K: you@eulerX exercise_4.1$ bsub cp2k.popt -i inp.100 -o out.100 * Then, perform another simulation, using the restart file from the previous simulation: **inp.300**. But first you have to edit it exactly like in the previous case, but **put 300 K** instead of 100 K you@eulerX exercise_4.1$ bsub cp2k.popt -i inp.300 -o out.300 Now you have the following outputs to study with vmd: nve_md-pos-1.pdb md.100-pos-1.pdb md.300-pos-1.pdb * Open (for example) nve_md-pos-1.pdb with VMD: vmd nve_md-pos-1.pdb * Open Tk Console (Extensions menu > Tk console). And to define the two dihedrals (**PHI** and **PSI**) from there, you can enter: vmd> source "dihedrals.vmd" You can also pick from the extensions the "RMSD trajectory tool" and use it to align the molecule along the trajectory (Extensions>Analysis>RMSC Trajectory Tool). Replace the word "protein" with "all" in the selection, and then use "align". You will see that now the molecule is well aligned along the path. * Now using "Labels" menu, plot the graph of two dihedral angles: - Go to Graphics > Labels - In the drop-down list chose Dihedrals - Chose both dihedrals in the list - Go to the "Graph" section - Press on the "Graph..." button - (Optional) save these graps in a text file (File > Export to ASCII matrix...) Which differences do you notice between the nve, the 100 K and the 300 K case? Can you explain them?