====== Hot gold ====== TO USE THE FUNCTION LIBRARY (VERSION UP TO DATE) IN THE INTERACTIVE SHELL: you@eulerX ~$ module load courses mmm vmd you@eulerX ~$ mmm-init This exercise deals with heating a gold slab, namely the (100) reconstructed that you already simulated last time. The goal is to plot a density profile in the direction orthogonal to the slab, and to compute (using vmd) the radial distribution function g( r ) at various temperatures. Download the 4.2 exercise into your $HOME folder and unzip it: you@eulerX ~$ wget http://www.cp2k.org/_media/exercises:2016_ethz_mmm:exercise_4.2.zip you@eulerX ~$ unzip exercises:2016_ethz_mmm:exercise_4.2.zip you@eulerX ~$ cd exercise_4.2 All files of this exercise (** input and scripts are all commented**) can be also downloaded from the wiki: {{exercise_4.2.zip|exercise_4.2.zip}} * First, we simulate the system at 700 K using a thermostat. you@eulerX exercise_4.2$ bsub cp2k.popt -i 700.inp -o 700.out * Then, the obtained xyz trajectory can be analyzed using the script **histo_z** available in the directory. you@eulerX exercise_4.2$ ./histo_z 700-pos-1.xyz The output is **700-pos-1.xyz.z**, a file with three columns: z, dn/dz, and the progressive integral of this quantity. Assignments: - Explain the profile, and use the third column to draw conclusions about the surface structure. - Study the source of the script. Understand its behavior. - Copy histo_z into another file and modify it to only include the particles from the first 10 frames of the trajectory. - Run it and see the differences to the first profile. - Do the same excluding the first 10 frames. - Explain those differences, based on what you see in the *.ener file (energies, temperature...). * Perform **consequently** a simulation at T=1100 K and T=1300 K (files: 1100.inp and 1300.inp): you@eulerX exercise_4.2$ bsub cp2k.popt -i 1100.inp -o 1100.out you@eulerX exercise_4.2$ bsub cp2k.popt -i 1300.inp -o 1300.out * And again analyze these trajectories using the script histo_z: you@eulerX exercise_4.2$ ./histo_z 1100-1-pos.xyz you@eulerX exercise_4.2$ ./histo_z 1300-1-pos.xyz Assignments: - Discuss the differences in the density profile. What do you expect to see in vmd? * Now, use vmd to look at the trajectories. As you launch vmd, in Tk console you can: Load a pbc.vmd file which includes the definition of the periodic box vmd> source pbc.vmd Draw the box: vmd> draw pbcbox Wrap all atoms in the periodic box: vmd> pbc wrap -first first -last last * Try to play with representations: color the surface atoms in one color, the bulk ones in another color. * Using the "radial distribution function" plugin from the extension menu (Extensions>Analysis>Radial Pair Distribution Function g( r ) ), draw the g( r ) of the system. Assignments: - Discuss radial distribution function for 700, 1100, and 1300 K. Hint: how to use the g( r ) module: - First apply pbcs (see above) - Open the radial distribution function plugin and enter the parameters as shown (**note: in the example below we excluded the first 10 frames**) (from "Utilities" you can check that your unit cell is OK) - Click "Compute g( r )" - From the "File" menu of the graph window, you can save as postscript file or other formats. {{:exercises:2015_ethz_mmm:screen_shot_2015-03-19_at_23.03.32.png?600|}}