====== 38 atom Lennard-Jones cluster ====== {{:exercises:2017_ethz_mmm:lj38bs.jpg?400|}} (picture by Luke Abraham) TO USE THE FUNCTION LIBRARY (VERSION UP TO DATE) IN THE INTERACTIVE SHELL: you@eulerX ~$ module load courses mmm vmd you@eulerX ~$ mmm-init **REMEMBER: this is the command to load the module for the cp2k program:** you@eulerX ~$ module load cp2k **and to submit the job (note: since all the examples of this week are ultrafast, we will run them interactively, and NOT on a compute node. This is not the normal procedure for the next lectures).** you@eulerX ~$ cp2k.popt -i file.inp -o file.out Download the 1.1 exercise into your $HOME folder and unzip it. you@eulerX ~$ wget http://www.cp2k.org/_media/exercises:2017_ethz_mmm:exercise_1.1.zip you@eulerX ~$ unzip exercises:2017_ethz_mmm:exercise_1.1.zip All files of this exercise be downloaded from the wiki: {{exercise_1.1.zip|}} In this exercise you will test the Lennard-Jones potential. In particular, we will focus on the system described in the following paper about the energy landscape of the 38 atom Lennard-Jones cluster: [[doi>10.1063/1.478595]] Login to euler using your nethz credentials. Then go to the directory "exercise_1.1". you@eulerX ~$ cd exercise_1.1 ===== Geometry optimization ===== In this first part you will perform a simple energy optimization, to find the two lowest lying minima in the potential energy surface. The input file structure of the template is the following: &GLOBAL FLUSH_SHOULD_FLUSH PRINT_LEVEL low PROJECT geo_opt_bfgs RUN_TYPE geo_opt WALLTIME 600 &END GLOBAL &MOTION &GEO_OPT OPTIMIZER BFGS MAX_ITER 200 MAX_DR 0.001 RMS_DR 0.0003 MAX_FORCE 0.0001 RMS_FORCE 0.00003 &BFGS USE_MODEL_HESSIAN yes &END BFGS &END GEO_OPT &PRINT &TRAJECTORY on FORMAT xyz &EACH GEO_OPT 1 &END EACH &END TRAJECTORY &END PRINT &END MOTION &FORCE_EVAL METHOD Fist STRESS_TENSOR ANALYTICAL &MM &FORCEFIELD &CHARGE ATOM Ar CHARGE 0.0 &END &NONBONDED &LENNARD-JONES atoms Ar Ar EPSILON 119.8 SIGMA 3.405 RCUT 8.4 &END LENNARD-JONES &END NONBONDED &CHARGE ATOM Kr CHARGE 0.0 &END CHARGE &END FORCEFIELD &POISSON PERIODIC NONE &EWALD EWALD_TYPE none &END EWALD &END POISSON &PRINT &FF_INFO OFF SPLINE_DATA SPLINE_INFO &END FF_INFO &END PRINT &END MM &PRINT &FORCES off &END FORCES &GRID_INFORMATION &END GRID_INFORMATION &PROGRAM_RUN_INFO &EACH GEO_OPT 1 &END EACH &END PROGRAM_RUN_INFO &STRESS_TENSOR &EACH GEO_OPT 1 &END EACH &END STRESS_TENSOR &END PRINT &SUBSYS &CELL A 100 0 0 B 0 100 0 C 0 0 100 PERIODIC NONE &END CELL &TOPOLOGY COORD_FILE_NAME in.xyz COORDINATE xyz &END &PRINT &CELL &END CELL &KINDS &END KINDS &MOLECULES OFF &END MOLECULES &SYMMETRY &END SYMMETRY &END PRINT &END SUBSYS &END FORCE_EVAL NOTE ON THE UNITS: CP2K USES SO CALLED "atomic units". Meaning that the resulting energies are expressed in Hartree, **1 Hartree=27.2114 eV**. In the input file, the epsilon value (depth of the well) is expressed in KT units, namely, in "temperature" units (there is a Boltzmann constant to make units work...). **The sigma value is in Angstrom.** - load the module with the special m_* bash functions and initialize the module: module load courses mmm ; mmm-init - randomize the coordinate files **fcc.xyz** m_xyzrand 1.0 < fcc.xyz > fcc_rand.xyz . Do the same with ico.xyz - extract the q4 order parameter from **fcc.xyz** and from **fcc_rand.xyz** and compare the values.module load new gcc/4.8.2 python/2.7.12 python stein.py file.xyz . You will be asked the cutoff radius for the neighbors, it is **1.391** in sigma units. **You should input it in Angstrom**. - before running the simulation, copy the input coordinate file into in.xyz cp fcc_rand.xyz in.xyz - run cp2k module load cp2k(this has only to be done once)cp2k.popt -i geo_opt.inp -o geo_opt.out - in the output file, note the final energy, **transform it in the unit of the paper (epsilon units)** - load vmd module and play with the optimization trajectory vmd OPT-pos-1.xyz (ask the teacher) - apply the script **myq4** to the optimization trajectory: this generates a list of q4 and energies for the whole trajectory. ./myq4 OPT-pos-1.xyz > fcc.ene.q4 - plot q4 and energies with **gnuplot** (ask the teacher) - have a look at the myq4 script nano myq4 - repeat for the ico.xyz starting point, don't forget to first copy/remove the files appropriately. For example: mkdir FCC ; mv OPT* FCC ; mv geo_opt.out FCC - finally, run the bash script ./curve. Look inside, and try to understand what you get. Assignment: - Report the energy of the minima, compare it with the ones of the initial configurations. - Plot q4 vs. energy and q4 vs. optimization steps, for the two cases. Discuss the results. Are the minima in two separate basins? - Report the value of the order parameter of the minumum, and discuss what you see - Use "gnuplot" to make the output of "./curve" understandable, discuss the results.