====== 38 atom Lennard-Jones cluster: nudged elastic band ====== {{:exercises:2017_ethz_mmm:pathneb.png?600|}} In this second exercise we will find a transition path between a icosahedral-like minimum and a fcc-like minimum. Download the 1.1 exercise into your $HOME folder and unzip it. you@eulerX ~$ wget http://www.cp2k.org/_media/exercises:2017_ethz_mmm:exercise_1.2.zip you@eulerX ~$ unzip exercises:2017_ethz_mmm:exercise_1.2.zip All files of this exercise be downloaded from the wiki: {{exercise_1.2.zip|}} The goal is to check the dependence of the result on the initial guess. The relevant section is the following (**neb_linear.inp**): &MOTION &BAND NPROC_REP 1 BAND_TYPE IT-NEB NUMBER_OF_REPLICA 20 &OPTIMIZE_BAND OPT_TYPE DIIS &DIIS MAX_STEPS 1000 N_DIIS 3 &END &END &REPLICA COORD_FILE_NAME a.xyz &END REPLICA &REPLICA COORD_FILE_NAME b.xyz &END REPLICA &END BAND &END MOTION where the initial and final states are specified. There is a second version called (**neb_better.inp**). Check the differences... note that we input more configurations. This means that we start from a more advanced start with respect to a linear interpolation between **a** and **b**. - Run the neb using neb.inp cp2k.popt -i neb_linear.inp -o neb_linear.out - You will get SEVERAL files. They are the improved paths that tend to optimize the band energy. - Count how many optimization steps you have in each file m_xyzcountframes NEB_LINEAR-pos-Replica_nr_01-1.xyz . You will get the number NFRAMES (mark it). - For each of the replica files, extract only the last (final) step, and put everything in a single path file (the optimized path): rm path_linear.xyz ; for a in NEB_LINEAR-pos-Replica_nr_*xyz ; do m_xyzframes NFRAMES NFRAMES $a >> path_l.xyz ; done (put the value of NFRAMES). - Examine **path_linear.xyz** with vmd. - Apply the script **myq4** to this path, to extract q4 and energies. ./myq4 path_linear.xyz > linear.q4.ene - Do the same with **neb_better.inp** Assignment: - Report the energy of the transition states. Write them in the same units of the paper. - Plot q4 vs. energy and q4 vs. optimization steps, for the two cases. Discuss the results. Compare the transition state energies with the units of the paper. - Discuss the "movie" of the transition paths in the two cases.