====== Molecular orbitals of Boron trifluoride ====== Boron trifluoride is a Lewis acid, an electron-pair acceptor. Molecular orbital theory of BF3 must provide an orbital capable of acting as such an acceptor to be consistent with this chemical property. In this exercise you will visualize molecular orbitals at the Hartree-Fock level for the molecule boron triflouride which has a triangular shape. The orbitals should come out similar to this: {{ :exercises:2018_ethz_mmm:screen_shot_2018-03-16_at_12.15.37.png |}} The input file structure is shown below: &FORCE_EVAL ! This section defines method for calculating energy and forces METHOD Quickstep ! Electronic structure method (DFT,...) &DFT &SCF SCF_GUESS RESTART &END &POISSON ! Solver requested for non periodic calculations PERIODIC NONE PSOLVER WAVELET ! Type of solver &END POISSON &QS ! Parameters needed to set up the Quickstep framework METHOD GAPW ! Method: gaussian and augmented plane waves &END QS # # Include the exchange and correlation information # @INCLUDE './hf.inc' &PRINT &E_DENSITY_CUBE FILENAME _SCALE_ &END &MO_CUBES FILENAME _SCALE_ NHOMO 5 NLUMO 4 &END MO_CUBES &END PRINT &END DFT &SUBSYS ! This section defines the system &CELL ! Unit cell set up PERIODIC NONE ! Non periodic calculation ABC 10 10 10 &END CELL &TOPOLOGY COORD_FILE_NAME BF3.xyz COORD_FILE_FORMAT XYZ &CENTER_COORDINATES &END &END TOPOLOGY &KIND B ! potential and basis for F &BASIS @INCLUDE './B_631GX.inc' &END POTENTIAL ALL &POTENTIAL 4 1 0 0.43392956 0 &END &END KIND &KIND F ! potential and basis for F &BASIS @INCLUDE './F_631GX.inc' &END POTENTIAL ALL &POTENTIAL 4 5 0 0.21852465 0 &END &END KIND &END SUBSYS &END FORCE_EVAL ! This section defines method for calculating energy and forces &GLOBAL ! Section with general information regarding which kind of simulation to perform an parameters for the whole PROGRAM PRINT_LEVEL LOW ! Global print level PROJECT BF3 ! Name of the project. This word will appear as part of a name of all ouput files (except main ouput file, specified with -o option) RUN_TYPE ENERGY ! Energy run &END GLOBAL As usual, you can take the tar file of the exercise directory at the [[https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/whsWaAlvLQFCpGk|following link]]. Copy it to the directory **$HOME/EXERCISES** and untar it: tar xvf exercise_4.tar Copy the files to the created directory in your exercise path. In the directory you will find the following files: * ''BF3.0.inp'' for the calculation of the orbitals (this is only a template file) * ''compute_bf3_expand'' to transform the input file and the input geometry, and then launch the job + drawing the orbitals * several ''*.inc'' file describing the level of theory (exchange and correlation functional) and the basis sets. The operations are performed by the following bash script: . /usr/bin/m_functions.bash a=$1 m_xyzrescale $a < BF3.opt.xyz > BF3.xyz cp BF3.xyz BF3.$a.xyz m_replace _SCALE_ $a < BF3.0.inp > BF3.$a.inp cp2k.ssmp -i BF3.$a.inp > BF3.$a.out mkdir ORB_$a for b in 12 13 14 15 16 do c=$[16-$b] vmd BF3-"$a"-WFN_000"$b"_1-1_0.cube -e orb.vmd ST=HOMO-"$c" convert out.tga -gravity South -background YellowGreen -splice 0x18 -annotate +0+2 $ST out1.tga mv out1.tga ORB_$a/$ST.tga done for c in 17 18 19 20 do d=$[$c-17] vmd BF3-"$a"-WFN_000"$c"_1-1_0.cube -e orb.vmd >& vmd.log ST=LUMO+"$d" convert out.tga -gravity South -background YellowGreen -splice 0x18 -annotate +0+2 $ST out1.tga mv out1.tga ORB_$a/$ST.tga done vmd BF3-"$a"-ELECTRON_DENSITY-1_0.cube -e dens.vmd >& vmd.log convert dens.tga -gravity South -background YellowGreen -splice 0x18 -annotate +0+2 'ELECTRON DENSITY' dens1.tga mv dens1.tga ORB_$a/dens1.tga montage ORB_$a/*tga -geometry 800x600 ORB_$a/all_$a.jpg mv BF3-"$a"*.cube ORB_$a/ rm *bak* The command to launch the job with an expansion factor of ALPHA (**replace it with the required factor**) ./compute_bf3_expand ALPHA Assignments: - Run the script with ALPHA=1.0 (meaning: no expansion of the molecule) - Look into the BF3.ALPHA.out file to verify the energies of the occupied and unoccupied orbitals: do you see degenerate orbitals (with the same energy) - What is the homo-lumo gap (distance between highest occupied and lowest unoccupied orbital (remember: it is in Hartree --- write it in eV - The script produces a directory ORB_ALPHA with the orbitals and the density. Compare the orbitals what the illustration above. - Repeat the job with ALPHA=2.5 - What do you observe in the plots? Which differences? Why?