======= Analyzing defects in graphene ======= Now we are going to draw our attention towards surfaces and the effect of defects on them. Use the following input file as a starting point for this exercise, noting that you will have to make some modifications to it: &GLOBAL PROJECT graphene RUN_TYPE ENERGY PRINT_LEVEL MEDIUM &END GLOBAL &FORCE_EVAL METHOD Quickstep &DFT BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME BASIS_MOLOPT POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME POTENTIAL &POISSON PERIODIC XYZ &END POISSON &SCF SCF_GUESS ATOMIC EPS_SCF 1.0E-6 MAX_SCF 300 # The following settings help with convergence: ADDED_MOS 100 CHOLESKY INVERSE &SMEAR ON METHOD FERMI_DIRAC ELECTRONIC_TEMPERATURE [K] 300 &END SMEAR &DIAGONALIZATION ALGORITHM STANDARD EPS_ADAPT 0.01 &END DIAGONALIZATION &MIXING METHOD BROYDEN_MIXING ALPHA 0.2 BETA 1.5 NBROYDEN 8 &END MIXING &END SCF &XC &XC_FUNCTIONAL PBE &END XC_FUNCTIONAL &END XC &PRINT &PDOS # print all projected DOS available: NLUMO -1 # split the density by quantum number: COMPONENTS &END &END &END DFT &SUBSYS &CELL # create a hexagonal unit cell: ABC 2.4612 2.4612 15.0 ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA 90. 90. 60. SYMMETRY HEXAGONAL PERIODIC XYZ &END CELL &COORD SCALED C 1./3. 1./3. 0. C 2./3. 2./3. 0. &END &KIND C ELEMENT C BASIS_SET DZVP-MOLOPT-GTH POTENTIAL GTH-PBE &END KIND &END SUBSYS &END FORCE_EVAL When comparing scaled coordinates between papers and code input scripts, always make sure that they use the same coordinate systems and definitions for a unit cell (both real and reciprocal space). For example while many sources (like the [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025610002697|paper of Curtarolo, Setyawan]]) assume a 120° degree angle between $a$ and $b$ for a hexagonal cell, you can also define it to be a 60° angle (like the default in CP2K). Once you have verified that your calculation setup works, use ''nohup mpirun -np 4 cp2k.popt ... &'' again to run the calculations in parallel and in the background since they may take longer to complete than before. ====== Vacancy in graphene ====== ===== Comparing energies ===== Use the provided template and its initial geometry to setup a single point energy calculation for a 6x6x1 supercell of graphene. Create a vacancy by removing one carbon atom from this supercell and perform the energy calculation again. Quick question: Does it matter which carbon atom you remove? (hint: what kind of boundary conditions do we impose?) Calculate the energy of the vacancy formation, that is $E_v = E_2 - \frac{N-1}{N} \cdot E_1$ where $E_1$ is the energy of the complete system, $E_2$ that of the system with a vacancy and $N$ the number of atoms. ===== Analyze the PDOS ===== Would you expect the vacancy to haven any influence on the projected density of states? Check whether your assumption was right by visualizing the PDOS. ===== Replacement with oxygen ===== Now, instead of removing one carbon atom from the 6x6x1 supercell, simply replace it with an oxygen atom (remember: you have to a ''KIND'' section for oxygen). Perform first a single point calculation and second a geometry optimization (as shown in a [[[[geometry_optimization|previous exercise]]) and compare the energy of adsorption for both cases.