LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/emd - rt_make_propagators.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:4a68796) Lines: 132 134 98.5 %
Date: 2024-07-25 07:32:30 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief Routines for calculating a complex matrix exponential.
      10             : !> \author Florian Schiffmann (02.09)
      11             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      12             : 
      13             : MODULE rt_make_propagators
      14             : 
      15             :    USE cp_control_types,                ONLY: rtp_control_type
      16             :    USE cp_dbcsr_api,                    ONLY: dbcsr_copy,&
      17             :                                               dbcsr_create,&
      18             :                                               dbcsr_deallocate_matrix,&
      19             :                                               dbcsr_p_type,&
      20             :                                               dbcsr_scale,&
      21             :                                               dbcsr_type
      22             :    USE cp_dbcsr_operations,             ONLY: copy_dbcsr_to_fm,&
      23             :                                               copy_fm_to_dbcsr,&
      24             :                                               cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply
      25             :    USE cp_fm_types,                     ONLY: cp_fm_create,&
      26             :                                               cp_fm_get_info,&
      27             :                                               cp_fm_release,&
      28             :                                               cp_fm_to_fm,&
      29             :                                               cp_fm_type
      30             :    USE input_constants,                 ONLY: do_etrs,&
      31             :                                               do_pade,&
      32             :                                               do_taylor
      33             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
      34             :    USE ls_matrix_exp,                   ONLY: bch_expansion_complex_propagator,&
      35             :                                               bch_expansion_imaginary_propagator,&
      36             :                                               cp_complex_dbcsr_gemm_3,&
      37             :                                               taylor_full_complex_dbcsr,&
      38             :                                               taylor_only_imaginary_dbcsr
      39             :    USE matrix_exp,                      ONLY: arnoldi,&
      40             :                                               exp_pade_full_complex,&
      41             :                                               exp_pade_only_imaginary,&
      42             :                                               taylor_full_complex,&
      43             :                                               taylor_only_imaginary
      44             :    USE rt_propagation_types,            ONLY: get_rtp,&
      45             :                                               rt_prop_type
      46             : #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
      47             : 
      48             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      49             : 
      50             :    PRIVATE
      51             : 
      52             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'rt_make_propagators'
      53             : 
      54             :    PUBLIC :: propagate_exp, &
      55             :              propagate_arnoldi, &
      56             :              compute_exponential, &
      57             :              compute_exponential_sparse, &
      58             :              propagate_exp_density, &
      59             :              propagate_bch
      60             : 
      61             : CONTAINS
      62             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      63             : !> \brief performs propagations if explicit matrix exponentials are used
      64             : !>        ETRS:  exp(i*H(t+dt)*dt/2)*exp(i*H(t)*dt/2)*MOS
      65             : !>        EM:    exp[-idt/2H(t+dt/2)*MOS
      66             : !> \param rtp ...
      67             : !> \param rtp_control ...
      68             : !> \author Florian Schiffmann (02.09)
      69             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      70             : 
      71        1054 :    SUBROUTINE propagate_exp(rtp, rtp_control)
      72             : 
      73             :       TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER                        :: rtp
      74             :       TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER                    :: rtp_control
      75             : 
      76             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'propagate_exp'
      77             :       REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER                           :: one = 1.0_dp, zero = 0.0_dp
      78             : 
      79             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, im, nmo, re
      80        1054 :       TYPE(cp_fm_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER            :: mos_new, mos_next, mos_old
      81        1054 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: exp_H_new, exp_H_old, propagator_matrix
      82             : 
      83        1054 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
      84             : 
      85             :       CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, propagator_matrix=propagator_matrix, mos_old=mos_old, mos_new=mos_new, &
      86        1054 :                    mos_next=mos_next, exp_H_new=exp_H_new, exp_H_old=exp_H_old)
      87             : 
      88             :       ! Only compute exponential if a new propagator matrix is available
      89        1054 :       CALL compute_exponential(exp_H_new, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
      90             : 
      91        2236 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(mos_new)/2
      92        1182 :          re = 2*i - 1
      93        1182 :          im = 2*i
      94             : 
      95        1182 :          CALL cp_fm_get_info(mos_new(re), ncol_global=nmo)
      96             :          !Save some work by computing the first half of the propagation only once in case of ETRS
      97             :          !For EM this matrix has to be the initial matrix, thus a copy is enough
      98        1182 :          IF (rtp%iter == 1) THEN
      99         366 :             IF (rtp_control%propagator == do_etrs) THEN
     100             :                CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(exp_H_old(re)%matrix, mos_old(re), &
     101         354 :                                             mos_next(re), nmo, alpha=one, beta=zero)
     102             :                CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(exp_H_old(im)%matrix, mos_old(im), &
     103         354 :                                             mos_next(re), nmo, alpha=-one, beta=one)
     104             :                CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(exp_H_old(re)%matrix, mos_old(im), &
     105         354 :                                             mos_next(im), nmo, alpha=one, beta=zero)
     106             :                CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(exp_H_old(im)%matrix, mos_old(re), &
     107         354 :                                             mos_next(im), nmo, alpha=one, beta=one)
     108             :             ELSE
     109          12 :                CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_old(re), mos_next(re))
     110          12 :                CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_old(im), mos_next(im))
     111             :             END IF
     112             :          END IF
     113             :          CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(exp_H_new(re)%matrix, mos_next(re), &
     114        1182 :                                       mos_new(re), nmo, alpha=one, beta=zero)
     115             :          CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(exp_H_new(im)%matrix, mos_next(im), &
     116        1182 :                                       mos_new(re), nmo, alpha=-one, beta=one)
     117             :          CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(exp_H_new(re)%matrix, mos_next(im), &
     118        1182 :                                       mos_new(im), nmo, alpha=one, beta=zero)
     119             :          CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(exp_H_new(im)%matrix, mos_next(re), &
     120        3418 :                                       mos_new(im), nmo, alpha=one, beta=one)
     121             :       END DO
     122             : 
     123        1054 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     124             : 
     125        1054 :    END SUBROUTINE propagate_exp
     126             : 
     127             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     128             : !> \brief Propagation of the density matrix instead of the atomic orbitals
     129             : !>        via a matrix exponential
     130             : !> \param rtp ...
     131             : !> \param rtp_control ...
     132             : !> \author Samuel Andermatt (02.2014)
     133             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     134             : 
     135         626 :    SUBROUTINE propagate_exp_density(rtp, rtp_control)
     136             : 
     137             :       TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER                        :: rtp
     138             :       TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER                    :: rtp_control
     139             : 
     140             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'propagate_exp_density'
     141             :       REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER                           :: one = 1.0_dp, zero = 0.0_dp
     142             : 
     143             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, im, re
     144         626 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: exp_H_new, exp_H_old, propagator_matrix, &
     145         626 :                                                             rho_new, rho_next, rho_old
     146             :       TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER                          :: tmp_im, tmp_re
     147             : 
     148         626 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     149             : 
     150             :       CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, propagator_matrix=propagator_matrix, exp_H_new=exp_H_new, &
     151         626 :                    exp_H_old=exp_H_old, rho_old=rho_old, rho_new=rho_new, rho_next=rho_next)
     152             : 
     153         626 :       CALL compute_exponential_sparse(exp_H_new, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
     154             : 
     155             :       !I could store these matrices in the type
     156             :       NULLIFY (tmp_re)
     157         626 :       ALLOCATE (tmp_re)
     158         626 :       CALL dbcsr_create(tmp_re, template=propagator_matrix(1)%matrix, matrix_type="N")
     159             :       NULLIFY (tmp_im)
     160         626 :       ALLOCATE (tmp_im)
     161         626 :       CALL dbcsr_create(tmp_im, template=propagator_matrix(1)%matrix, matrix_type="N")
     162             : 
     163        1486 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(exp_H_new)/2
     164         860 :          re = 2*i - 1
     165         860 :          im = 2*i
     166             :          !Save some work by computing the first half of the propagation only once in case of ETRS
     167             :          !For EM this matrix has to be the initial matrix, thus a copy is enough
     168         860 :          IF (rtp%iter == 1) THEN
     169         212 :             IF (rtp_control%propagator == do_etrs) THEN
     170             :                CALL cp_complex_dbcsr_gemm_3("N", "N", one, exp_H_old(re)%matrix, exp_H_old(im)%matrix, &
     171         212 :                                             rho_old(re)%matrix, rho_old(im)%matrix, zero, tmp_re, tmp_im, filter_eps=rtp%filter_eps)
     172             :                CALL cp_complex_dbcsr_gemm_3("N", "C", one, tmp_re, tmp_im, exp_H_old(re)%matrix, exp_H_old(im)%matrix, &
     173         212 :                                             zero, rho_next(re)%matrix, rho_next(im)%matrix, filter_eps=rtp%filter_eps)
     174             :             ELSE
     175           0 :                CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_next(re)%matrix, rho_old(re)%matrix)
     176           0 :                CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_next(im)%matrix, rho_old(im)%matrix)
     177             :             END IF
     178             :          END IF
     179             :          CALL cp_complex_dbcsr_gemm_3("N", "N", one, exp_H_new(re)%matrix, exp_H_new(im)%matrix, &
     180         860 :                                       rho_next(re)%matrix, rho_next(im)%matrix, zero, tmp_re, tmp_im, filter_eps=rtp%filter_eps)
     181             :          CALL cp_complex_dbcsr_gemm_3("N", "C", one, tmp_re, tmp_im, exp_H_new(re)%matrix, exp_H_new(im)%matrix, &
     182        1486 :                                       zero, rho_new(re)%matrix, rho_new(im)%matrix, filter_eps=rtp%filter_eps)
     183             :       END DO
     184             : 
     185         626 :       CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(tmp_re)
     186         626 :       CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(tmp_im)
     187             : 
     188         626 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     189             : 
     190         626 :    END SUBROUTINE propagate_exp_density
     191             : 
     192             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     193             : !> \brief computes U_prop*MOs using arnoldi subspace algorithm
     194             : !> \param rtp ...
     195             : !> \param rtp_control ...
     196             : !> \author Florian Schiffmann (02.09)
     197             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     198             : 
     199         450 :    SUBROUTINE propagate_arnoldi(rtp, rtp_control)
     200             :       TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER                        :: rtp
     201             :       TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER                    :: rtp_control
     202             : 
     203             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'propagate_arnoldi'
     204             : 
     205             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, im, ispin, nspin, re
     206             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: eps_arnoldi, t
     207         450 :       TYPE(cp_fm_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)        :: propagator_matrix_fm
     208         450 :       TYPE(cp_fm_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER            :: mos_new, mos_next, mos_old
     209         450 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: propagator_matrix
     210             : 
     211         450 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     212             : 
     213             :       CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, dt=t, mos_new=mos_new, mos_old=mos_old, &
     214         450 :                    mos_next=mos_next, propagator_matrix=propagator_matrix)
     215             : 
     216         450 :       nspin = SIZE(mos_new)/2
     217         450 :       eps_arnoldi = rtp_control%eps_exp
     218             :       ! except for the first step the further propagated mos_next
     219             :       ! must be copied on mos_old so that we have the half propagated mos
     220             :       ! ready on mos_old and only need to perform the second half propagatioon
     221         450 :       IF (rtp_control%propagator == do_etrs .AND. rtp%iter == 1) THEN
     222         442 :          DO i = 1, SIZE(mos_new)
     223         442 :             CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_next(i), mos_old(i))
     224             :          END DO
     225             :       END IF
     226             : 
     227        2838 :       ALLOCATE (propagator_matrix_fm(SIZE(propagator_matrix)))
     228        1938 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(propagator_matrix)
     229             :          CALL cp_fm_create(propagator_matrix_fm(i), &
     230             :                            matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
     231        1488 :                            name="prop_fm")
     232        1938 :          CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(propagator_matrix(i)%matrix, propagator_matrix_fm(i))
     233             :       END DO
     234             : 
     235        1194 :       DO ispin = 1, nspin
     236         744 :          re = ispin*2 - 1
     237         744 :          im = ispin*2
     238        1194 :          IF (rtp_control%fixed_ions .AND. .NOT. rtp%propagate_complex_ks) THEN
     239             :             CALL arnoldi(mos_old(re:im), mos_new(re:im), &
     240             :                          eps_arnoldi, Him=propagator_matrix_fm(im), &
     241         274 :                          mos_next=mos_next(re:im), narn_old=rtp%narn_old)
     242             :          ELSE
     243             :             CALL arnoldi(mos_old(re:im), mos_new(re:im), &
     244             :                          eps_arnoldi, Hre=propagator_matrix_fm(re), &
     245             :                          Him=propagator_matrix_fm(im), mos_next=mos_next(re:im), &
     246         470 :                          narn_old=rtp%narn_old)
     247             :          END IF
     248             :       END DO
     249             : 
     250             : !    DO i=1,SIZE(propagator_matrix)
     251             : !         CALL copy_fm_to_dbcsr(propagator_matrix_fm(i), propagator_matrix(i)%matrix)
     252             : !    END DO
     253         450 :       CALL cp_fm_release(propagator_matrix_fm)
     254             : 
     255         450 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     256             : 
     257         900 :    END SUBROUTINE propagate_arnoldi
     258             : 
     259             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     260             : !> \brief  Propagation using the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff expansion,
     261             : !>         currently only works for rtp
     262             : !> \param rtp ...
     263             : !> \param rtp_control ...
     264             : !> \author Samuel Andermatt (02.2014)
     265             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     266             : 
     267         190 :    SUBROUTINE propagate_bch(rtp, rtp_control)
     268             : 
     269             :       TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER                        :: rtp
     270             :       TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER                    :: rtp_control
     271             : 
     272             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'propagate_bch'
     273             : 
     274             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, im, ispin, re
     275             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: dt
     276             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: prefac
     277         190 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: exp_H_old, propagator_matrix, rho_new, &
     278         190 :                                                             rho_next, rho_old
     279             : 
     280         190 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     281             : 
     282             :       CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, propagator_matrix=propagator_matrix, rho_old=rho_old, rho_new=rho_new, &
     283         190 :                    rho_next=rho_next)
     284             : 
     285         392 :       DO ispin = 1, SIZE(propagator_matrix)/2
     286         202 :          re = 2*ispin - 1
     287         202 :          im = 2*ispin
     288             : 
     289         202 :          IF (rtp%iter == 1) THEN
     290             :             ! For EM I have to copy rho_old onto rho_next and for ETRS,
     291             :             ! this is the first term of the series of commutators that result in rho_next
     292          40 :             CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_next(re)%matrix, rho_old(re)%matrix)
     293          40 :             CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_next(im)%matrix, rho_old(im)%matrix)
     294          40 :             IF (rtp_control%propagator == do_etrs) THEN
     295             :                !since we never calculated the matrix exponential the old matrix exponential stores the unscalled propagator
     296          40 :                CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, exp_H_old=exp_H_old, dt=dt)
     297          40 :                prefac = -0.5_dp*dt
     298          40 :                CALL dbcsr_scale(exp_H_old(im)%matrix, prefac)
     299          40 :                IF (rtp_control%fixed_ions .AND. .NOT. rtp%propagate_complex_ks) THEN
     300             :                   CALL bch_expansion_imaginary_propagator( &
     301             :                      exp_H_old(im)%matrix, rho_next(re)%matrix, rho_next(im)%matrix, &
     302          22 :                      rtp%filter_eps, rtp%filter_eps_small, rtp_control%eps_exp)
     303             :                ELSE
     304          18 :                   CALL dbcsr_scale(exp_H_old(re)%matrix, prefac)
     305             :                   CALL bch_expansion_complex_propagator( &
     306             :                      exp_H_old(re)%matrix, exp_H_old(im)%matrix, rho_next(re)%matrix, rho_next(im)%matrix, &
     307          18 :                      rtp%filter_eps, rtp%filter_eps_small, rtp_control%eps_exp)
     308             :                END IF
     309             :             END IF
     310             :          END IF
     311         202 :          CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_new(re)%matrix, rho_next(re)%matrix)
     312         202 :          CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_new(im)%matrix, rho_next(im)%matrix)
     313         392 :          IF (rtp_control%fixed_ions .AND. .NOT. rtp%propagate_complex_ks) THEN
     314             :             CALL bch_expansion_imaginary_propagator( &
     315             :                propagator_matrix(im)%matrix, rho_new(re)%matrix, rho_new(im)%matrix, &
     316          90 :                rtp%filter_eps, rtp%filter_eps_small, rtp_control%eps_exp)
     317             :          ELSE
     318             :             CALL bch_expansion_complex_propagator( &
     319             :                propagator_matrix(re)%matrix, propagator_matrix(im)%matrix, rho_new(re)%matrix, rho_new(im)%matrix, &
     320         112 :                rtp%filter_eps, rtp%filter_eps_small, rtp_control%eps_exp)
     321             :          END IF
     322             : 
     323             :       END DO
     324             : 
     325         190 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     326             : 
     327         190 :    END SUBROUTINE propagate_bch
     328             : 
     329             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     330             : !> \brief decides which type of exponential has to be computed
     331             : !> \param propagator ...
     332             : !> \param propagator_matrix ...
     333             : !> \param rtp_control ...
     334             : !> \param rtp ...
     335             : !> \author Florian Schiffmann (02.09)
     336             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     337             : 
     338        1130 :    SUBROUTINE compute_exponential(propagator, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
     339             :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: propagator, propagator_matrix
     340             :       TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER                    :: rtp_control
     341             :       TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER                        :: rtp
     342             : 
     343             :       INTEGER                                            :: i, im, ispin, re
     344        1130 :       TYPE(cp_fm_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)        :: propagator_fm, propagator_matrix_fm
     345             : 
     346        5946 :       ALLOCATE (propagator_fm(SIZE(propagator)))
     347        5946 :       ALLOCATE (propagator_matrix_fm(SIZE(propagator_matrix)))
     348        3686 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(propagator)
     349             :          CALL cp_fm_create(propagator_fm(i), &
     350             :                            matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
     351        2556 :                            name="prop_fm")
     352        2556 :          CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(propagator(i)%matrix, propagator_fm(i))
     353             :          CALL cp_fm_create(propagator_matrix_fm(i), &
     354             :                            matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
     355        2556 :                            name="prop_mat_fm")
     356        3686 :          CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(propagator_matrix(i)%matrix, propagator_matrix_fm(i))
     357             :       END DO
     358             : 
     359        2408 :       DO ispin = 1, SIZE(propagator)/2
     360        1278 :          re = 2*ispin - 1
     361        1278 :          im = 2*ispin
     362             : 
     363        1130 :          SELECT CASE (rtp_control%mat_exp)
     364             : 
     365             :          CASE (do_taylor)
     366         590 :             IF (rtp_control%fixed_ions .AND. .NOT. rtp%propagate_complex_ks) THEN
     367             :                CALL taylor_only_imaginary(propagator_fm(re:im), propagator_matrix_fm(im), &
     368         140 :                                           rtp%orders(1, ispin), rtp%orders(2, ispin))
     369             :             ELSE
     370             :                CALL taylor_full_complex(propagator_fm(re:im), propagator_matrix_fm(re), propagator_matrix_fm(im), &
     371         450 :                                         rtp%orders(1, ispin), rtp%orders(2, ispin))
     372             :             END IF
     373             :          CASE (do_pade)
     374        1278 :             IF (rtp_control%fixed_ions .AND. .NOT. rtp%propagate_complex_ks) THEN
     375             :                CALL exp_pade_only_imaginary(propagator_fm(re:im), propagator_matrix_fm(im), &
     376         332 :                                             rtp%orders(1, ispin), rtp%orders(2, ispin))
     377             :             ELSE
     378             :                CALL exp_pade_full_complex(propagator_fm(re:im), propagator_matrix_fm(re), propagator_matrix_fm(im), &
     379         356 :                                           rtp%orders(1, ispin), rtp%orders(2, ispin))
     380             :             END IF
     381             :          END SELECT
     382             :       END DO
     383             : 
     384        3686 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(propagator)
     385        2556 :          CALL copy_fm_to_dbcsr(propagator_fm(i), propagator(i)%matrix)
     386        3686 :          CALL copy_fm_to_dbcsr(propagator_matrix_fm(i), propagator_matrix(i)%matrix)
     387             :       END DO
     388        1130 :       CALL cp_fm_release(propagator_fm)
     389        1130 :       CALL cp_fm_release(propagator_matrix_fm)
     390             : 
     391        1130 :    END SUBROUTINE compute_exponential
     392             : 
     393             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     394             : !> \brief Sparse versions of the matrix exponentials
     395             : !> \param propagator ...
     396             : !> \param propagator_matrix ...
     397             : !> \param rtp_control ...
     398             : !> \param rtp ...
     399             : !> \author Samuel Andermatt (02.14)
     400             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     401             : 
     402         702 :    SUBROUTINE compute_exponential_sparse(propagator, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
     403             :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: propagator, propagator_matrix
     404             :       TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER                    :: rtp_control
     405             :       TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER                        :: rtp
     406             : 
     407             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'compute_exponential_sparse'
     408             : 
     409             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, im, ispin, re
     410             : 
     411         702 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     412             : 
     413        1674 :       DO ispin = 1, SIZE(propagator)/2
     414         972 :          re = 2*ispin - 1
     415         972 :          im = 2*ispin
     416        1674 :          IF (rtp_control%fixed_ions .AND. .NOT. rtp%propagate_complex_ks) THEN
     417             :             CALL taylor_only_imaginary_dbcsr(propagator(re:im), propagator_matrix(im)%matrix, &
     418         708 :                                              rtp%orders(1, ispin), rtp%orders(2, ispin), rtp%filter_eps)
     419             :          ELSE
     420             :             CALL taylor_full_complex_dbcsr(propagator(re:im), propagator_matrix(re)%matrix, propagator_matrix(im)%matrix, &
     421         264 :                                            rtp%orders(1, ispin), rtp%orders(2, ispin), rtp%filter_eps)
     422             :          END IF
     423             :       END DO
     424             : 
     425         702 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     426             : 
     427         702 :    END SUBROUTINE compute_exponential_sparse
     428             : 
     429             : END MODULE rt_make_propagators

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