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exercises:2015_pitt:gga [2015/03/02 15:54] – [Required Files] vondeleexercises:2015_pitt:gga [2015/03/03 08:21] – [1. Task: Familiarize yourself with system and setup] vondele
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   * Use vmd to vizualize the geometries (provided below) named '''' and ''''   * Use vmd to vizualize the geometries (provided below) named '''' and ''''
   * To edit the input files provided below, use an editor such as ''vi'' or ''nano''. While ''nano'' is simple to use, ''vi'' can be [[| configured to colour-code cp2k inputs]].   * To edit the input files provided below, use an editor such as ''vi'' or ''nano''. While ''nano'' is simple to use, ''vi'' can be [[| configured to colour-code cp2k inputs]].
-  * You will need files named ''BASIS_MOLOPT'' ''GTH_POTENTIALS'' ''dftd3.dat'' that are provided as part of CP2K in a directory ''cp2k/data'' +  * You will need files named ''BASIS_MOLOPT'' ''GTH_POTENTIALS'' ''dftd3.dat'' that are provided as part of CP2K in a directory ''cp2k/data'', unless the code has been compiled with the proper flag ('' -D__DATA_DIR'') so that these are found automatically. 
-  * Use a job script to submit jobs on the cluster, an example job submission script might look like (TODO: adjust for environment)+  * Use a job script to submit jobs on the cluster, an example job submission script might look like 
 <code - job> <code - job>
-#!/bin/bash --login +#PBS -N mode1 
-#SBATCH --job-name=mode1 +#PBS -j oe 
-#SBATCH --nodes=6 +#PBS -q dist_small 
-#SBATCH --time=0:10:00 +#PBS -nodes=4:ppn=16 
-#SBATCH --account=ch5 +#PBS -l walltime=10:00 
-aprun -n 144 -N 24 -d 1 cp2k.popt -i mode1.inp -o mode1.out+#PBS -A cp2k2015 
 +module purge 
 +module load cp2k/2.6 
 +prun cp2k.popt -i mode1.inp -o mode1.out
 </code> </code>
exercises/2015_pitt/gga.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/21 10:15 by