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GGA based surface science

GGA DFT calculations can be performed with CP2K relatively easily for many systems. While the CP2K reference manual lists all of the various options, the initial setup of a system is easy, and few details about the internals needs to be known. The input files provide here form a good template to start.

Crucial to start are a reasonable initial structure, and for condensed phase systems the size of the simulation cell. Once these are known, copy&paste might be enough to start the simulation.

Among the important parameters of the simulations are:

  • model (structure)
  • Gaussian basis set
  • Plane Waves (PW) cutoff
  • Density functional

Assessing the influence of these parameters might be more challenging.

Dye anchoring to TiO$_2$

In this exercise you will compare two possible binding modes of acetic acid to anatase TiO$_2$. Acetic acid contains the carboxylic group. It is commonly used in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells as an anchoring moiety to bind light harvesting dyes to semi-conducting substrates. We will therefore use acetic acid as a model of the more complex dye molecules, as done in this paper: 10.1021/jp4117563. To speedup calculations, only the smallest slab model is employed.

1. Task: Familiarize yourself with system and setup

  • Use vmd to vizualize the geometries (provided below) named and
  • To edit the input files provided below, use an editor such as vi or nano. While nano is simple to use, vi can be configured to colour-code cp2k inputs.
  • You will need files named BASIS_MOLOPT GTH_POTENTIALS dftd3.dat that are provided as part of CP2K in a directory cp2k/data
  • Use a job script to submit jobs on the cluster, an example job submission script might look like (TODO: adjust for environment)
#!/bin/bash --login
#SBATCH --job-name=mode1
#SBATCH --nodes=6
#SBATCH --time=0:10:00
#SBATCH --account=ch5
aprun -n 144 -N 24 -d 1 ../../cp2k.popt -i mode1.inp -o mode1.out

2. Task: Bond induced density differences

Compute the density difference induced by the bonding for the first binding mode. For this you will have to run three separate energy calculations:

  1. combined system bound in the first mode (file
  2. lone acetic acid molecule (just remove slab's coordinates from
  3. lone TiO$_2$ slab (just remove the acid's coordinates from

In order to output the electronic densities as cube files, your input file has to contain the following snipped:

The calculations involving the large TiO$_2$ slab should be run on 16 nodes with bsub -n 16.

To process the cube files we are going to use the cubecruncher tool. It is part of CP2K, but not installed on brutus. Therefore, a compiled binary of the tool is provided at /cluster/home03/matl/schuetto/cubecruncher.x. Before invoking the cubecruncher, you have to load the cp2k module. To simplify the following steps you should create a symbolic link to it in your working directory:

you@brutusX ~$ ln -s /cluster/home03/matl/schuetto/cubecruncher.x .

Now subtract the densities of the lone systems from the bonded system:

you@brutusX ~$ ./cubecruncher.x -i mode1-ELECTRON_DENSITY-1_0.cube -subtract mode1_acid-ELECTRON_DENSITY-1_0.cube -o tmp.cube
you@brutusX ~$ ./cubecruncher.x -i tmp.cube -subtract mode1_slab-ELECTRON_DENSITY-1_0.cube -o mode1_delta.cube

The generated cube file is not aligned with the simulation cell. Center the cube file with the cubecruncher.x tool:

you@brutusX ~$ cubecruncher.x -center geo -i mode1_delta.cube -o mode1_delta-centered.cube

You can visualize the resulting file mode1_delta-centered.cube with VMD. This has been covered in a previous exercise.

What you get should look similar to this:

3. Task: Bonding energies

Compute the binding energy for both binding modes:

\[ E_\text{binding}=\sum E_\text{products} - \sum E_\text{reactants} \]

For this you will need the energy values of four systems:

  1. lone acetic acid molecule (run geometry optimization, use energy of last step)
  2. lone TiO$_2$ slab (you can use the already geometry optimized coordinates from at the end of the exercise)
  3. combined system bound in the first mode (can be reused from previous task)
  4. combined system bound in the second mode (file
You can not reuse the energy values for the lone sub-systems from the previous task. Since the unbound subsystems might relax into a different geometry, they have to be geometry optimized first. This has been covered in a previous exercise.

Required Files

  ! the project name is made part of most output files... useful to keep order 
  ! various runtypes (energy, geo_opt, etc.) available.
  RUN_TYPE ENERGY             

  ! the electronic structure part of CP2K is named Quickstep
  METHOD Quickstep
    ! basis sets and pseudopotential files can be found in cp2k/data

    ! Charge and multiplicity
    CHARGE 0

       ! PW cutoff ... depends on the element (basis) too small cutoffs lead to the eggbox effect.
       ! certain calculations (e.g. geometry optimization, vibrational frequencies, NPT and cell optimizations, need higher cutoffs)
       CUTOFF [Ry] 400 

       METHOD GPW  ! use the GPW method (i.e. pseudopotential based calculations with the Gaussian and Plane Waves scheme).
       EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-10 ! default threshold for numerics ~ roughly numerical accuracy of the total energy per electron, sets reasonable values for all other thresholds
       EXTRAPOLATION ASPC ! used for MD, the method used to generate the initial guess. 

       PERIODIC XYZ ! the default, gas phase systems should have 'NONE' and a wavelet solver

       ! at the end of the SCF procedure generate cube files of the density

    ! use the OT METHOD for robust and efficient SCF, suitable for all non-metallic systems.
      SCF_GUESS ATOMIC ! can be used to RESTART an interrupted calculation
      MAX_SCF 30
      EPS_SCF 1.0E-6 ! accuracy of the SCF procedure typically 1.0E-6 - 1.0E-7
        ! an accurate preconditioner suitable also for larger systems
        ! the most robust choice (DIIS might sometimes be faster, but not as stable).
      &END OT
      &OUTER_SCF ! repeat the inner SCF cycle 10 times
        MAX_SCF 10
        EPS_SCF 1.0E-6 ! must match the above
    &END SCF

    ! specify the exchange and correlation treatment
      ! use a PBE functional 
      ! adding Grimme's D3 correction (by default without C9 terms) 
            PARAMETER_FILE_NAME dftd3.dat
            TYPE DFTD3
            R_CUTOFF [angstrom] 16
    &END XC
  ! description of the system
      ! unit cells that are orthorhombic are more efficient with CP2K
      ABC [angstrom] 10.2270 11.3460 20.000

    ! atom coordinates can be in the &COORD section, or provided as an external file.

    ! MOLOPT basis sets are fairly costly, but in the 'DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH' available for all elements
    ! their contracted nature makes them suitable for condensed and gas phase systems alike.
    &KIND H                              
      POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q1             
    &KIND C
    &KIND O
    &KIND Ti

! how to propagate the system, selection via RUN_TYPE in the &GLOBAL section
   OPTIMIZER BFGS ! Good choice for 'small' systems (use LBFGS for large systems)
   MAX_ITER  100
   MAX_DR    [bohr] 0.003 ! adjust target as needed
   ENSEMBLE NVT  ! sampling the canonical ensemble, accurate properties might need NVE
   TIMESTEP [fs] 0.5
   STEPS 100
   # GLE thermostat as generated at 
   # GLE provides an effective NVT sampling.
       NDIM 5
       A_SCALE [ps^-1] 1.00
       A_LIST    1.859575861256e+2   2.726385349840e-1   1.152610045461e+1  -3.641457826260e+1   2.317337581602e+2
       A_LIST   -2.780952471206e-1   8.595159180871e-5   7.218904801765e-1  -1.984453934386e-1   4.240925758342e-1
       A_LIST   -1.482580813121e+1  -7.218904801765e-1   1.359090212128e+0   5.149889628035e+0  -9.994926845099e+0
       A_LIST   -1.037218912688e+1   1.984453934386e-1  -5.149889628035e+0   2.666191089117e+1   1.150771549531e+1
       A_LIST    2.180134636042e+2  -4.240925758342e-1   9.994926845099e+0  -1.150771549531e+1   3.095839456559e+2
     &END GLE

Ti       -0.0179479198       -0.0078042700       -0.0922850421
O         0.4497915479        0.0007412647        1.9321232563
Ti       -1.4316444492       -0.0089893346        2.8221490912
O        -1.7887110897        0.0007867236        0.7998892697
O        -3.2081345298        0.0411605531        3.6695321087
O        -1.8010755493       -1.8874663742        2.8216777686
Ti       -3.7269830403       -1.9006613639        3.6517557753
O         0.3830863054       -1.8910765741       -0.0700021876
Ti        3.7557586944       -1.8917451634        2.9143676586
O         3.3146470921       -0.0011081937        2.8729289358
O        -4.6680663094       -1.8855446073        2.0338712494
O        -5.4086768695       -1.8843459443        4.3991860126
Ti       -0.0282285127       -3.7757033787       -0.0787156736
O         0.4462623263       -3.7813137083        1.9359917441
Ti       -1.3999537875       -3.7707056149        2.8874421519
O        -1.7903153040       -3.7850263943        0.8021001791
O        -3.2390175951       -3.7978185279        3.6716494047
O        -1.7864035184       -5.6734792481        2.8627360747
Ti       -3.7357623244       -5.6788609282        3.4482649850
O         0.3837694100       -5.6723382681       -0.0690470865
Ti        3.7205660980       -5.6668034549        2.9114784222
O         3.3236114384       -3.7787921003        2.8721776992
O        -4.6689995455       -5.6807480198        1.9358553242
O        -5.3525041570       -5.6742752842        4.3359372112
Ti       -0.0314402214        3.7828933451       -0.0777664638
O         0.4518754735        3.7839662632        1.9399715530
Ti       -1.3792280628        3.7857276911        2.9025413153
O        -1.7909627210        3.7866794195        0.8027290293
O        -3.2026665631        3.7827561658        3.7306777258
O        -1.7857471998        1.9013100770        2.8154049594
Ti       -3.7307612355        1.9120465523        3.4387577457
O         0.3836352141        1.8909325251       -0.0691199251
Ti        3.7223424203        1.8887162901        2.9133081650
O         3.3250830331        3.7807500488        2.8687333178
O        -4.6728325926        1.9008997868        1.9326739591
O        -5.3457700344        1.8899459254        4.3344454640
Ti       -1.4852085406       -0.0011927086       -3.7100466053
O        -1.0850586016       -0.0008795951       -1.6147031707
Ti       -2.8526945884       -0.0039467894       -0.7412906371
O        -3.3269327110       -0.0004491456       -2.7420242486
O        -4.7289708978       -0.0017641392       -0.0618098107
O        -3.2591453480       -1.8898583454       -0.7264179834
Ti       -5.1372070666       -1.8918692243       -0.0012386637
O        -1.0878410276       -1.8908975100       -3.6681494905
Ti        2.2953566326       -1.8945802968       -0.7324918911
O         1.8572641703       -0.0016921856       -0.7344045642
O         4.0371444331       -1.8910414726       -1.5881377025
O         3.3210868792       -1.8907741455        0.8191885244
Ti       -1.4878179598       -3.7811586802       -3.7059227721
O        -1.0853532342       -3.7809408508       -1.6116052274
Ti       -2.8450252555       -3.7788195849       -0.7274776599
O        -3.3267379004       -3.7812381637       -2.7423527944
O        -4.7300872942       -3.7790968457       -0.0598090260
O        -3.2604741093       -5.6718710426       -0.7338292499
Ti       -5.1447866872       -5.6729502955       -0.0741564861
O        -1.0884608345       -5.6727912820       -3.6676316873
Ti        2.2684209803       -5.6717142765       -0.7217304029
O         1.8574125893       -3.7804564443       -0.7330818756
O         4.0285990372       -5.6721054737       -1.6077890803
O         3.3201243312       -5.6722897918        0.8087243331
Ti       -1.4884820434        3.7822906244       -3.7073217712
O        -1.0847762013        3.7818636329       -1.6113017246
Ti       -2.8439453199        3.7841411650       -0.7265400935
O        -3.3267270296        3.7819066970       -2.7433025606
O        -4.7312054524        3.7823723470       -0.0697069103
O        -3.2595288817        1.8897668415       -0.7334187674
Ti       -5.1446141745        1.8933189943       -0.0754881482
O        -1.0885182339        1.8906776867       -3.6679434552
Ti        2.2687722606        1.8941648243       -0.7213872473
O         1.8555780589        3.7824519637       -0.7335160805
O         4.0283551896        1.8906904137       -1.6083035670
O         3.3194888527        1.8901215845        0.8082989311
Ti        1.3702533850       -0.0107406935        3.4478828397
O        -2.6375196242       -0.0002691731       -5.1384544425
Ti       -4.2555253076       -0.0004346746       -4.2635860836
O        -0.2706997157       -0.0070914550        4.3327078320
O         4.0252034756       -0.0000815787       -3.6655962284
O        -4.7789243271       -1.8904283625       -4.5262265362
Ti        3.6276350884       -1.8913012322       -3.6941431294
O         1.8693336769       -1.8883429262        3.7243207414
Ti        0.8648978359       -1.8921733057       -4.2643698117
O         0.3356892769       -0.0005951329       -4.5283168344
O         2.4831990038       -1.8910320844       -5.1341360953
O         1.7891597814       -1.8911498456       -2.7417208102
Ti        1.3675607179       -3.7714249561        3.4584460387
O        -2.6361368408       -3.7817733748       -5.1377491017
Ti       -4.2537976019       -3.7816703567       -4.2621660812
O        -0.2527486810       -3.7773208994        4.3296691681
O         4.0251551834       -3.7817133665       -3.6656274881
O        -4.7792586102       -5.6728660382       -4.5273909859
Ti        3.6247553952       -5.6729206250       -3.7048960624
O         1.9006169442       -5.6721819263        3.7282320026
Ti        0.8602204280       -5.6728510136       -4.2616392365
O         0.3358111887       -3.7815283986       -4.5276229355
O         2.4785034911       -5.6729185089       -5.1373985723
O         1.7869078663       -5.6728807589       -2.7423620036
Ti        1.3817457800        3.7823928879        3.4589497419
O        -2.6363646230        3.7820140473       -5.1385122329
Ti       -4.2543090361        3.7822671573       -4.2626609244
O        -0.2374835922        3.7781640807        4.3379058406
O         4.0248222240        3.7818879520       -3.6667895479
O        -4.7794862202        1.8903770813       -4.5277962247
Ti        3.6243254290        1.8913422637       -3.7051707738
O         1.8974839341        1.8882474143        3.7289879155
Ti        0.8600377417        1.8920214690       -4.2620560393
O         0.3346421543        3.7821159876       -4.5275899679
O         2.4782941685        1.8909856222       -5.1376874872
O         1.7866749487        1.8910410218       -2.7427494459
H        -3.2770955004       -2.4268873548        8.1687296457
C        -3.1978647566       -1.3575831172        7.9359146369 
H        -4.2239524320       -0.9733256879        7.8414028480
H        -2.6752907472       -0.8249390527        8.7355765151
C        -2.5132448898       -1.1924834089        6.6141051521 
O        -2.8755597850       -1.8460118394        5.6163779603
O        -1.5275649623       -0.3212592281        6.6009413157
H        -1.0670534373       -0.2549619720        5.6840567874

Ti        0.0150786099       -0.0030604155       -0.2374201259
O         0.4515580466       -0.0646282100        1.8001155831
Ti       -1.5073356783       -0.0021026124        2.5525864818
O        -1.7759961007       -0.0002275800        0.6680111337
O        -3.3291162152       -0.0023490698        3.0696212715
O        -1.7197127142       -1.8809866556        2.8642842575
Ti       -3.6978004404       -1.8661667177        3.6084326925
O         0.3785074831       -1.8945596770       -0.1980298452
Ti        3.7996574045       -1.9219539316        2.8301270999
O         3.3305054330       -0.0058364403        2.7942261562
O        -4.6900333011       -1.9659285303        1.9448925419
O        -5.3925681292       -1.8976344334        4.3248895668
Ti       -0.0283064667       -3.7737024590       -0.1507446117
O         0.4475870469       -3.7803762159        1.8621586431
Ti       -1.3713031978       -3.7725215345        2.8511642577
O        -1.7912822225       -3.7729870345        0.7436262925
O        -3.1963784791       -3.7804631987        3.6648868231
O        -1.7705984874       -5.6752809020        2.8039139185
Ti       -3.7092032911       -5.6725438342        3.3897938268
O         0.3841910583       -5.6739517448       -0.1381224421
Ti        3.7513121067       -5.6747221635        2.8551954028
O         3.3367138059       -3.7840186471        2.8127851513
O        -4.6560725160       -5.6733549533        1.8776383238
O        -5.3204369054       -5.6669271369        4.2778026483
Ti       -0.0266777619        3.7696389407       -0.1491534163
O         0.4524897086        3.7857220830        1.8631418152
Ti       -1.3730627656        3.7742135603        2.8371003388
O        -1.7905256319        3.7786525562        0.7422177730
O        -3.1948630000        3.7795989881        3.6670918260
O        -1.7343662633        1.8899845272        2.8090040137
Ti       -3.6974632076        1.8668219133        3.5884163764
O         0.3822543310        1.8874843004       -0.1432095900
Ti        3.7864567490        1.9054527096        2.8508016360
O         3.3675002865        3.7799021368        2.8626057027
O        -4.6840457398        1.9746044749        1.9466850498
O        -5.3729095331        1.8414022655        4.3320391075
Ti       -1.5079668291       -0.0008456767       -3.7989215478
O        -1.0951317039        0.0022938033       -1.7345576883
Ti       -2.8929121223       -0.0000735048       -0.8782772455
O        -3.3736661811        0.0005357865       -2.8128806833
O        -4.7193863680        0.0001570116       -0.0748056115
O        -3.2632860440       -1.8860154449       -0.7956216654
Ti       -5.1307996411       -1.8978086035       -0.0398179095
O        -1.1320787396       -1.8909803808       -3.7440163178
Ti        2.3133857413       -1.9061341614       -0.8099170994
O         1.8786839357        0.0011314062       -0.8069543100
O         4.0385009963       -1.8895616393       -1.6570045786
O         3.3115055560       -1.8920970172        0.7501369741
Ti       -1.5256127358       -3.7819843403       -3.7701763163
O        -1.0940683369       -3.7869847697       -1.6789541127
Ti       -2.8425313294       -3.7819322313       -0.7839726892
O        -3.3422315516       -3.7760564219       -2.8030699366
O        -4.7315665522       -3.7831312336       -0.1321164185
O        -3.2580399316       -5.6728032840       -0.7985618810
Ti       -5.1462151180       -5.6726106968       -0.1400092932
O        -1.1340144859       -5.6732616791       -3.7388880843
Ti        2.2670101177       -5.6749205566       -0.7762329495
O         1.8631140907       -3.7853073574       -0.7974118985
O         4.0263575475       -5.6730177766       -1.6715945206
O         3.3250517248       -5.6784227751        0.7515944134
Ti       -1.5248867442        3.7818848512       -3.7712820230
O        -1.0907299886        3.7812336768       -1.6778258037
Ti       -2.8428177895        3.7841675976       -0.7861032158
O        -3.3397902383        3.7762483047       -2.8026235400
O        -4.7304156316        3.7842200412       -0.1318958639
O        -3.2645051173        1.8869138058       -0.7933488063
Ti       -5.1241443302        1.8993249071       -0.0252297449
O        -1.1314283131        1.8906347021       -3.7440419862
Ti        2.3185671036        1.9017475834       -0.7833845676
O         1.8597419566        3.7800089897       -0.7974665372
O         4.0344536794        1.8895028649       -1.6315658326
O         3.3098310076        1.8936248995        0.7823280807
Ti        1.4537853090       -0.0347286638        3.2604875735
O        -2.6845024000        0.0000746592       -5.2147510734
Ti       -4.2967571219        0.0018586454       -4.3442818967
O        -0.2511143909        0.1328085915        4.2720687411
O         3.9819696258        0.0012627538       -3.7355131655
O        -4.8038476957       -1.8889916108       -4.5923792314
Ti        3.5953547314       -1.8907810205       -3.7642624098
O         1.8553660493       -1.8815919187        3.6062633048
Ti        0.8351449362       -1.8959349617       -4.3196742869
O         0.3119042183       -0.0001283684       -4.5915870901
O         2.4377532123       -1.8915585194       -5.2027330310
O         1.7783437087       -1.8888222418       -2.8082665928
Ti        1.3904951140       -3.7857957693        3.3690175525
O        -2.6814201117       -3.7831847959       -5.2025558657
Ti       -4.2854691947       -3.7801054852       -4.3136778334
O        -0.2074321278       -3.7970194791        4.2709539045
O         3.9820256895       -3.7800854351       -3.7356644708
O        -4.7961377238       -5.6736624399       -4.5471769110
Ti        3.5917963887       -5.6730897244       -3.7666434973
O         1.9069112439       -5.6781980199        3.6136248160
Ti        0.8312484616       -5.6732029738       -4.3044789530
O         0.3186267326       -3.7822693739       -4.5479829736
O         2.4335197920       -5.6733247069       -5.1986406627
O         1.7786689446       -5.6734212363       -2.7982114552
Ti        1.3984968329        3.7644681343        3.3685503422
O        -2.6815455972        3.7828337111       -5.2024703087
Ti       -4.2855071694        3.7788568387       -4.3128750844
O        -0.2044150611        3.7319133608        4.2704391005
O         3.9827213914        3.7789077586       -3.7330838039
O        -4.8039829955        1.8898269577       -4.5907748518
Ti        3.5899147654        1.8912350407       -3.7590482617
O         1.8739898095        1.8720733323        3.5992207033
Ti        0.8344557677        1.8954291350       -4.3129140724
O         0.3192643376        3.7819866970       -4.5466934222
O         2.4382493211        1.8919495801       -5.1986096411
O         1.7788752457        1.8885973165       -2.8025129463
H        -1.3211320733       -0.5901398003        7.3622691450
C        -2.2774669737       -0.0487846563        7.3616031246
H        -2.9713818519       -0.6195053843        7.9928436643
H        -2.1415146457        0.9598101494        7.7628564958
C        -2.8081585120       -0.0061954447        5.9550273922
O        -3.0662415287       -1.1345711119        5.4074245732
O        -2.9500441444        1.1398319329        5.4010622063
H        -0.3897742635        1.0153182782        4.6757696096
exercises/2015_pitt/gga.1424955413.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/21 10:14 (external edit)