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Replica exchange of the disordering of a cluster

<note warning> For this job we will use the cluster HYPATIA available at Empa. There we have access to parallel facilities with reserved nodes for the lecture. How to connect to HYPATIA:

Dear Student,

In order to be able to run simulations at high priority, today we will work on the Empa Cluster. We have created a personal account for you. Since the cluster is behind a firewall, we must connect to a gate machine (jumphost) to be allowed to access to the cluster. For security reasons, there are two temporary passwords that you should change to a personal password (can be the same for the gate and for the cluster.

Here the instructions to connect. Your username/password (EMPA-USER, TEMP-PASSW1, TEMP-PASSW2) are listed at the end of this message.

1) Decide a password (we will call it EMPA-PASSW )

2) connect to the jumphost:

ssh -X Password: TEMP-PASSW1

3) Accept the contract

4) Set a new password (input old password, TEMP-PASSW1, write new password, EMPA-PASSW)

5) Connect to hypatia: ssh -X hypatia password: TEMP-PASSW2

6) Accept the contract

7) Change your password as in point 4) using TMP-PASSW2 as old password and set EMPA-PASSW

User-specific information (note: TMP-PASSW1 ist the password for jump1, that is the FIRST one, but is listed as second):


[you@hypatia ~]$ mmm-init
[you@hypatia ~]$ cd /mnt/scratch/YOURUSER/
[you@hypatia ~]$ cp -r /home/psd/exercise_7 .
[you@hypatia ~]$ cd exercise_7

The commands that you need to do to perform the exercise are, in this order:

[you@hypatia ~]$ qsub 00_run
[you@hypatia ~]$ ./01_adapt_files
[you@hypatia ~]$ ./02_reorder
[you@hypatia ~]$ ./03_extract_allaverages

Running the job

The script contains the directives for the queuing system, including 16 cores on one nodes reserved for the job.

#=== job name:
#PBS -N parallel 
#=== wall time limit (h:m:s)
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#choice of the number of nodes and proc. per node
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16 
#PBS -q short
#which queue
#=== memory usage
##PBS -l mem=1024mb
#=== join stdout and stderr
#PBS -j oe
# set environment variables
module unload mvapich2
module load openmpi
module load lammps/17Nov16/openmpi/2.0.1/gcc/4.9.4
cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR          
rm parallel.o* log.* screen*
mpiexec -np 16 lmp_mpi -partition 16x1   -in input

The last line is the command to run a parallel lammps job with the input file input

exercises/2017_ethz_mmm/replica_2017.1494425590.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/21 10:15 (external edit)