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Which parts of CP2K are CUDA-accelerated?

* Anything that uses ''dbcsr_multiply'', i.e. sparse matrix multiplication, when compiled with ''%%-D__DBCSR_CUDA%%''. This benefits in particular the [[doi>10.1021/ct200897x| linear scaling DFT]] code. See also [[ | the DBCSR project.]]
* If linked against an accelerated scalapack/blas library (in particular pdgemm/pdsyrk/dgemm) that executes these calls on the GPU. The impact of this is most visible for MP2 and RPA calculations. On the hybrid Cray XC30 linking against libsci_acc makes this happen.
* FFTs, when compiled with ''%%-D__PW_CUDA%%''.
faq/cuda_support.1396794546.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/21 10:15 (external edit)