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How to Compile CP2K


You need the following before you can compile CP2K

Obtaining a copy of CP2K source

To obtain a copy of CP2K source, please follow the instructions given here.

GNU make

GNU make should be on your system (gmake or make on Linux) and it is used for the build. If you do not have it, go to

and download from

Fortran 95 Compiler

A Fortran 95 compiler should be installed on your system. We have good experience with gfortran 4.4.X and above. Be aware that some compilers have bugs that might cause them to fail (internal compiler errors, segfaults) or, worse, yield a miscompiled CP2K.

Please report bugs to compiler vendors; they (and we) have an interest in fixing them.


yacc is needed to compile the dependency generator. It can be found as a part of the GNU bison package:


BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra libraries should be installed. Using vendor-provided libraries can make a very significant difference (up to 100%, e.g., ACML, MKL, ESSL).

Note that the compiler used for BLAS/LAPACK libraries must match the Fortran compiler used.

Use the latest versions available and download all patches! The canonical BLAS and LAPACK can be obtained from the Netetlib repository.

A faster alternative is to use the ATLAS project. It provides BLAS and enough of LAPACK to run CP2K, both optimized for the local machine upon installation:

The ATLAS project source presents quite a nasty and unnecessarly complicated configuration utility. Avoid if possible.

GotoBLAS is yet a faster BLAS alternative:

If compiling with OpenMP support then it is recommended to use a non-threaded version of BLAS.

Note for AMD Bulldozer owners:

  • Intel compilers DO NOT support FMA4 as Intel CPUs implement FMA3
  • For this reason, compiling against Intel compilers (including MKL) in AMD Bulldozer machines could result in performance loss.
  • If you have such architecture, ACML is suggested.


MPI (version 2) and ScaLAPACK are needed for parallel code (popt and psmp versions). Use the latest versions available and download all patches!

If your computing platform does not provide MPI, there are several freely available alternatives:

ScaLAPACK can be part of ACML or cluster MKL. These libraries are recommended if available.

Canonical ScaLAPACK can be obtained from

and see also

Recently a ScaLAPACK installer has been added that makes installing ScaLAPACK easier:

Exchange-Correlation Functionals Library

The version 2.0.1 (ONLY this one) of libxc needs to be downloaded from

and installed (to $LIBXC_DIR, what ever which directory it may be).

During the installation, the directory $LIBXC_DIR/lib is created. Add the preprocessor flag


to DFLAGS, and

-L$(LIBXC_DIR)/lib -lxc

to LIBS in your arch file.

Fast Fourier Transform Library

FFTW can be used to improve FFT speed on a wide range of architectures.

It is strongly recommended to install and use FFTW3. The current version of CP2K works with FFTW 3.X:

Note that FFTW must know the Fortran compiler you will use in order to install properly (e.g., export F77=gfortran before configure if you intend to use gfortran). Note that on machines and compilers which support SSE you can configure FFTW3 with –enable-sse2.

Compilers/systems that do not align memory (NAG f95, Intel IA32/gfortran) should either not use –enable-sse2 or otherwise add


to DFLAGS in the arch file.

When building an OpenMP parallel version of CP2K (ssmp or psmp), the FFTW3 threading library libfftw3_threads (or libfftw3_omp) is required. These can be generated using the –enable-threads and –enable-openmp flags during configuration of FFTW3.

When using FFTW3 library, add


to DFLAGS, and link to the appropriate libraries in your arch file.

Hartree-Fock Exchange

Hartree-Fock exchange (optional) requires the libint package to be installed.

It is easiest to install with a Fortran compiler that supports ISO_C_BINDING and Fortran procedure pointers (recent gfortran, xlf90, ifort).

Additional information can be found in


Tested against libinit-1.1.4 and currently hardcoded to the default angular momentum


(check your include/libint/libint.h to see if it matches)

Note, do NOT use libinit-1.1.3.

When using libint library, add


to DFLAGS, and link to the appropriate libraries in your arch file.

Small Matrix Multiplication Library

A library for small matrix multiplications comes with the CP2K package. This library, if built and used with CP2k, should allow significant speedups (depending on the problem and your machine) to your calculations.

The library can be built from the included source:


See the README file inside the build_libsmm directory.

Usually only the double precision real and perhaps complex is needed. Add the following to DFLAGS in your arch file

-D__HAS_smm_dnn to make the code use the double precision real library
-D__HAS_smm_snn to make the code use the single precision real library
-D__HAS_smm_znn to make the code use the double precision complex library
-D__HAS_smm_cnn to make the code use the single precision complex library
-D__HAS_smm_vec to enable the new vectorized interface of libsmm

Library ELPA

This is an alternative library to ScaLAPACK for the solution of eigenvalue problems. A version of ELPA can be downloaded from

ELPA replaces the ScaLAPACK SYEVD to improve the performance of the diagonalization. For specific architectures it may be better to install specifically optimized kernels and/or employ a higher optimization level to compile it.

During the installation, the libelpa.a (or libelpa_mt.a if multi-thread support is enabled) is created. We tested the version of November 2013, with generic kernel and with/without OpenMP.

To use ELPA


to DFLAGS and

-L$(ELPA_DIR)/lib -lxc

to LIBS in your arch file.

CUDA Support

This is still experimental.



to DFLAGS in your arch file to compile with CUDA support for matrix multiplication. For linking, add

-lcudart -lrt

to LIBS in your arch file. The compiler must support ISO_C_BINDING.



in DFLAGS for CUDA support for PW (gather/scatter/fft) calculations. The Fortran compiler must use an appended underscore for linking C subroutines.



in DFLAGS to turn on NVIDIA Tools Extensions.

Consult cp2k/cuda_tools/README in the CP2K source for more information.

Machine Architecture Abstraction Support

Still under development





to DFLAGS to compile with hwloc or libnuma support for machine architecture and process/thread/memory placement and visualization. It is necessary to link with




The compiler must support ISO_C_BINDING.

Machine architecture visualization is supported only with hwloc. Process/threads/memory placement and visualization is supported by both hwloc and libnuma.

Note that it is not possible to use at same time hwloc and libnuma.

Consult cp2k/machine/README in CP2K source for more information.

Process Mapping Support

Still under development

Use the target machine to compile with topology support.

You can also define the strategy to be used using a command line, with

-mpi-mapping [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
  • 1 = SMP-style rank ordering
  • 2 = file based rank ordering
  • 3 = Hilbert space-filling curve
  • 4 = Peano space-filling curve
  • 5 = Round-Robin rank ordering
  • 6 = Hilbert-Peano space-filling curve
  • 7 = Cannon pattern mapping

The compiler must support ISO_C_BINDING

Consult cp2k/machine/README in CP2K source for more information.

Compiling the Code

I am Feeling Lucky

The “I'm feeling lucky” version of building will try to guess what architecture you are on. Just type


in cp2k/makefiles, and the script cp2k/tools/get_arch_code will try to guess your architecture. You can set the FORT_C_NAME to indicate the compiler part of the architecture string:

export FORT_C_NAME=gfortran

If you are not feeling lucky… Or you want to know exactly what you are doing when compiling CP2K, and what options are available, please read on.

The arch File

The locations of the compilers and libraries needs to be specified, together with compilation options, in an “arch” file in cp2k/arch of CP2K source. Examples for a number of common architectures is already available in the directory (e.g., Linux-x86-64-gfortran.sopt).

Conventionally, there are four versions:

  • sopt = serial version
  • popt = parallel, MPI only version — recommended for general usage
  • ssmp = parallel, OpenMP only version
  • psmp = parallel, MPI + OpenMP

You will need to modify one of these files to match your system's settings.

Compilation Commands

After you have finished creating or editing your own arch file in cp2k/arch, you can build CP2K in directory cp2k/makefiles using the following commands:

make -j N ARCH=architecture VERSION=version

where -j N allows for a parallel build using N processes; architecture corresponds to the root-name of your arch file, and version is one of sopt, popt, ssmp or psmp.

For example, if you have created foo.sopt in cp2k/arch, then in cp2k/makefiles, you type in the command:

make -j 4 ARCH=foo VERSION=sopt

to compile (with 4 processes in parallel) the serial version of CP2K, with compilers, libraries and options specified in the file cp2k/arch/foo/sopt.

As a short-cut, you can build several version of the code at onece:

make -j N ARCH=architecture VERSION="sopt popt ssmp psmp"

provided you have the corresponding arch files already in place.

After a successful compilation, an executable should appear in cp2k/exe/*

All compiled files, libraries, executables, .. of all architectures and versions can be removed with

make distclean

in cp2k/makefiles.

To remove only objects and mod files (i.e. keep exe) for a given ARCH/VERSION, use

make ARCH=architecture VERSION=version clean

To remove everything for a given ARCH/VERSION use:

make ARCH=architecture VERSION=version realclean

DFLAGS Options

The following flags should be present (or not) in the arch file:

For parallel versions


If using libint (needed for HF exchange)


For libxc (needed by QUICKSTEP DFT calculations)


If using ELPA in space of ''SYEVD'' to solve eigenvalue problems


Various FFTs

-D__FFTSG Stefan Goedecker FFT (should always be there)
-D__FFTW3 FFTW version 3
-D__PW_CUDA CUDA FFT and associated gather/scatter on the GPU

Various network interconnections

-D__GEMINI if Gemini interconnect is used in the cluster
-D__SEASTAR if SeaStar interconnect is used in the cluster
-D__BLUEGENE if BlueGene interconnect is used in the cluster

Specific optimized core routines can be selected with


with X=1..6. Reasonable defaults are provided (see cp2k/src/lib/collocate_fast.F) but trial-and-error might yield (a small ~10%) speedup.

Tuned versions of integrate and collocate routines can be generated using


and -L/path/to/libgrid.a in LIBS. See cp2k/tools/autotune_grid/README for details.


or similar is a hack to overwrite (if the linker allows this) the PILAENV function provided by ScaLAPACK. This can lead to much improved PDGEMM performance. The optimal value depends on hardware (GPU?) and precise problem.

Options controlling MPI behavior and capabilities

-D__NO_MPI_THREAD_SUPPORT_CHECK Workaround for MPI libraries that do not declare they are thread safe but you want to use them with OpenMP anyways.
-D__NO_MPI_MEMORY Do not use MPI memory allocation/deallocation routines

Options on language features

CP2K currently assumes full Fortran 95 compliance and expects the ISO_C_BINDING module of Fortran 2003 to be present, which commonly is available even in current compilers. For OpenMP, version 3.0 is assumed.

If you get compilation errors about unsupported language features, then some flags may be used to reduce the language features required.

In addition, some flags are used to declare compiler support for additional language features.

Subparts of Fortran 2003 or later that help various aspects of the code:
-D__PTR_RANK_REMAP compiler supports pointer rank remapping
-D__HAS_NO_ISO_C_BINDING compiler does not support all needed ISO_C_BINDING features. (At least g95 0.91 silently fails with segfaults since it does not support C_F_POINTER.)
Other language capabilities and support:
-D__HAS_NO_OMP_3 CP2K assumes that compilers support OpenMP version 3. If this is not the case, specify this flag to compile. Runtime performance will be poorer on low number of processors.
-D__CRAY_POINTERS Compiler supports CRAY pointers
-D__HAS_NO_CUDA_STREAM_PRIORITIES Needed for CUDA sdk version < 5.5

Additional esoteric, development and debugging options

This section can be safely skipped over. Listed here just for completeness besides the flags described in this document.

-D__NO_STATH_ACCESS Do not try to read from /proc/self/statm to get memory usage information. This is otherwise attempted on several Linux-based architectures or using with the NAG, gfortran, compilers.
-D__mp_timeset__ Timing of MPI routines.
-D__USE_LEGACY_WEIGHTS Use legacy atomic weights
-D__NO_ASSUMED_SIZE_NOCOPY_ASSUMPTION Do not assume that assumed-size dummy arguments will always be passed in by reference. Unless the ISO_C_BINDING is present, CP2K will not compile with this option.
-D__cray_pointers CRAY pointers will be used in preference to the ISO_C_BINDING call to MPI_ALLOC_MEM
-D__PLASMA PLASMA support for DBCSR (neglected, may not work)
-D__USE_PAT Use with CRAY-PAT profiling
-D_USE_GA Use Global Arrays Toolkit

Compiling Together With PLUMED v1.3

  1. Get version 1.3 of plumed from their svn repository
  2. Unpack the plumed-1.3 archive somewhere
  3. Set the environment variable $plumedir to the root directory of the plumed distribution: export plumedir=/path/to/plumed-1.3
  4. Symbolic link the plumed-1.3/patches/ into the CP2K src directory: ln -s $plumedir/patches/ cp2k/src/
  5. run the plumedpatch_cp2k script with parameter -patch: ./ -patch, it should create a subdirectory src-plumed containing a number of cpp files and a
  6. compile cp2k and plumed together with (it is safer to run a distclean before compiling): make plumed -j ARCH=… VERSION=popt PLUMED=yes


If CP2K compiled okay, you can run one of the test cases to try out the executable (most inputs in any of the cp2k/tests/*regtest*/ directories are tested on a daily basis).

cd /path/to/cp2k/cp2k/tests/QS/
/path/to/cp2k/cp2k/exe/YOURMACHNE/cp2k.sopt C.inp

systematic testing can be done following the description on regression testing.


  • If things fail, take a break… have a look at section Options on language features and go back to section The arch File.
  • If your compiler/machine is really special, it should not be too difficult to support it. Only cp2k/src/machine*.F (and possibly cp2k/src/dbcsr_lib/machine.F) should be affected.
howto/compile.1401180653.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/21 10:15 (external edit)