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Howto generate the Input Reference Manual

Step 1: Download an XSTL processor

We use the Saxon-HE (home edition) version 9 . It can be downloaded from

Step 2: Compile CP2K

This is explained in detail elsewhere.

Step 3: Generate an intermediated XML file

$ cp2k.popt --xml 

This generates the file cp2k_input.xml which contains the entire input description.

Step 4: Goto cp2k/tools/manual

$ cd cp2k/tools/manual
$ java -jar saxon9he.jar  -o:index.html cp2k_input.xml cp2k_input.xslcp2k.popt

This will create the actual HTML files, which we make available at

howto/generate_manual.1636129338.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/05 16:22 by pmelix