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Guidelines for submitting a question in the Google groups

1. Try to be specific about your problem.

2. Provide the necessary information. The table below shows which problem requires what kind of information. Green is absolutely required information, orange is useful and maybe necessary information and red means the information is not required.

Compilation Crashes Correctness Performance
Version of CP2K
Input/output file file Row 1 Col 2 Row 1 Col 3
Error log
Hardware Architecture
Arch file
Version of linked in libraries

3. Use proper english. Do not write the question in your native language and then translate it through Google translate or any other translation program.

4. Do not ask questions that have the target of others making your work such as setting up your system.

howto/gethelp.1435737691.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/21 10:15 (external edit)